Twisted Statistics
There are problems with statistics like these that it may be showing a
trend that unrelated to the variable being tested. Often food studies do
this. People who tend to eat more than X are healthier than those who
do not. The problem is that those who eat X are often living very
different lifestyles than those who do not. Poverty, healthcare access,
jobs that expose people to different toxic environments are variables
that are not mentioned or tested. Assessments into autism vary because
in other cultures due to misdiagnose, or the lack of desire to diagnose
at all children who are different are not subjected to medical
intervention. Most often other disabilities (such as learning
difficulties/deafness/anxiety disorders) are diagnosed. When comparing
vastly different cultures.
In America a child is likely to go to
kindergarden at 3 years old. If he is different from his peers in anyway
it is noted and sent for tests (often children may be in childcare WAY
before 3 years) medical testing is recommend. The parameters for
"normal" in this setting are vastly different than those say in Cuba.
Children go to school later and tend to be part of large families, with
many family members looking after children. Only children vastly
different from siblings would be worthy of note and then tested. This
would reduce people seeking tests for autism.
My husband is on the
spectrum and it is our belief it is genetic. His mother was "deaf"
except her inability to deal with people, basic social situations and
vivid temper, in our conclusion put her squarely on the spectrum.
extremes on the spectrum can make life very difficult for parents,
their wiring is a blessing as well as a curse. I think in years to come
we will look back at Newton and see someone with aspergers, the same way
dyslexics do with Einstein.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Monday, 30 December 2013
What is "Wiccan"?
What is "Wiccan"?
I always find the concept of "core laws", concepts, rules and commandments abhorrent, especially when it come to what is and is not Wiccan. What is and is not magick. While the search to define and understand is laudable, it often seems to miss the point. While a tree is subject to the laws of the universe, like gravity and entropy, giving it a long list of what you think it should or should not be, does not change the tree.You can cut it, even chop it down, but it will persist in being as it knows it's self to be.
Wiccan "commandments" were set down a long time ago in The Charge of the Goddess. It doesn't need simplifying or making into commandments.(Granted I dislike pseudo Shakespearean text that is sometimes used and a I have a version with such, ye, thee, thoust, removed but the core meaning in modern English persists).
Writing "new rules" to make it more comfortable for yourself or someone else, or to make it more palatable for "marketing" again misses the point. These new yardsticks to measure and contain something that can not be measured or contain are at best a joke, at worst very damaging. You can not measure "goodness" or faith. You can not measure how magickal someone is. There is no standardized test.The young, and the inexperienced want and are used to tests like this. Yet the world in which magick dwells is and should be beyond defining. It is in that place between, where poets and seers dwell. It is in kind hands. It is in comfort and mercy. It is love. In the words of The Charge
"My law is love unto all things."
No clauses.No get of jail. That doesn't mean it is "weak" or "fluffy", tough love is exactly that.
The more you try and standardize Wicca, the more boxes you want it to be in the less you understand and respect it's true nature. This isn't a Disney version of love, some movie version were everything is peaches and roses. It is in hardwork. It is is long sighs. It is in mud, and shit and puke and it is real. It is in a thousand tiny and marvellous things, in ways that change the world for the better. It is the kindness of strangers, in manners, and respect. It is the compost pile, and the dishes. In how you speak to your children. How you speak to your friends, and how you treat those who wish to harm you.
I do not believe I can know all there is to know. Nor would I ever imagine that I had the right to tell people what and how their faith should be measured. What should or should not be "in the box". I find it disturbing and frightening that there are those who want to try.
I never, ever tell people people what to believe. I show them how I do it. It show them how and why, what and where, yet it I have never told someone what to believe. That is theirs and it is sacred.
In that vein, my faith, my belief is sacred, please use your stick else where, or put it down and climb a tree.
I always find the concept of "core laws", concepts, rules and commandments abhorrent, especially when it come to what is and is not Wiccan. What is and is not magick. While the search to define and understand is laudable, it often seems to miss the point. While a tree is subject to the laws of the universe, like gravity and entropy, giving it a long list of what you think it should or should not be, does not change the tree.You can cut it, even chop it down, but it will persist in being as it knows it's self to be.
Wiccan "commandments" were set down a long time ago in The Charge of the Goddess. It doesn't need simplifying or making into commandments.(Granted I dislike pseudo Shakespearean text that is sometimes used and a I have a version with such, ye, thee, thoust, removed but the core meaning in modern English persists).
Writing "new rules" to make it more comfortable for yourself or someone else, or to make it more palatable for "marketing" again misses the point. These new yardsticks to measure and contain something that can not be measured or contain are at best a joke, at worst very damaging. You can not measure "goodness" or faith. You can not measure how magickal someone is. There is no standardized test.The young, and the inexperienced want and are used to tests like this. Yet the world in which magick dwells is and should be beyond defining. It is in that place between, where poets and seers dwell. It is in kind hands. It is in comfort and mercy. It is love. In the words of The Charge
"My law is love unto all things."
No clauses.No get of jail. That doesn't mean it is "weak" or "fluffy", tough love is exactly that.
The more you try and standardize Wicca, the more boxes you want it to be in the less you understand and respect it's true nature. This isn't a Disney version of love, some movie version were everything is peaches and roses. It is in hardwork. It is is long sighs. It is in mud, and shit and puke and it is real. It is in a thousand tiny and marvellous things, in ways that change the world for the better. It is the kindness of strangers, in manners, and respect. It is the compost pile, and the dishes. In how you speak to your children. How you speak to your friends, and how you treat those who wish to harm you.
I do not believe I can know all there is to know. Nor would I ever imagine that I had the right to tell people what and how their faith should be measured. What should or should not be "in the box". I find it disturbing and frightening that there are those who want to try.
I never, ever tell people people what to believe. I show them how I do it. It show them how and why, what and where, yet it I have never told someone what to believe. That is theirs and it is sacred.
In that vein, my faith, my belief is sacred, please use your stick else where, or put it down and climb a tree.
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Holy Days
So I have had some time off blogging. In fact it is fair to say that I have spent a goodly amount of time celebrating, feasting, making and giving gifts and sleeping. Quite a lot of sleeping.
On the Friday, Yule-eve, we had some lovely pagan friends of our pop over for mince pies, coffee and mulled wine. We had lovely chutneys (she makes them so well) and lots of other goodies. We promised we would all get together soon to celebrate our birthdays as P and M have birthdays like TK and myself in January. It had been a tough week and an pretty tough day too; so it was a wonderful relief to feel relaxed and happy.
We had gotten the tree all sorted the day before and smells so good.
The day it's self mini witch got up late, and we had a lovely brunch. TK had to brave town to pick the duck and some other bits and pieces. Slowly we cooked and prepared for the feast. In the UK went tend to try and make the Christmas meal happen at lunch time and we had tried that before. My dear American friend taught me the error of my ways and we have big feast as evening meals which makes them MUCH more relaxed and chilled out.
We sat down to our feast.
It was a lot of food. None of it went to waste. It went for 4 and a half meals. The next day the duck and Stilton sandwiches with the bacon wrapped chestnut and mushroom stuff was particularly good.
2013 has been a great year for me. Car crash aside my health has been getting better and better (not that physiotherapy was good experience for me but it's only pain right?) My family and I have reconnected. I wrote a book and publishers are calling me. All good things coming.
I have a lot of love and gratitude for so many people this year. I have a lot of things I still want to do. A lot of things I want to learn and teach. Paintings to paint. Books to write. Places to visit. People to heal and tend to and maybe just maybe some asses to kick. I have a lot of joy and laughter coming, a lot of fun too. Some of it might be hard work, which I am prepared for, but the rest will be like breathing.
So I have had some time off blogging. In fact it is fair to say that I have spent a goodly amount of time celebrating, feasting, making and giving gifts and sleeping. Quite a lot of sleeping.
On the Friday, Yule-eve, we had some lovely pagan friends of our pop over for mince pies, coffee and mulled wine. We had lovely chutneys (she makes them so well) and lots of other goodies. We promised we would all get together soon to celebrate our birthdays as P and M have birthdays like TK and myself in January. It had been a tough week and an pretty tough day too; so it was a wonderful relief to feel relaxed and happy.
We had gotten the tree all sorted the day before and smells so good.
The day it's self mini witch got up late, and we had a lovely brunch. TK had to brave town to pick the duck and some other bits and pieces. Slowly we cooked and prepared for the feast. In the UK went tend to try and make the Christmas meal happen at lunch time and we had tried that before. My dear American friend taught me the error of my ways and we have big feast as evening meals which makes them MUCH more relaxed and chilled out.
We sat down to our feast.
It was a lot of food. None of it went to waste. It went for 4 and a half meals. The next day the duck and Stilton sandwiches with the bacon wrapped chestnut and mushroom stuff was particularly good.
2013 has been a great year for me. Car crash aside my health has been getting better and better (not that physiotherapy was good experience for me but it's only pain right?) My family and I have reconnected. I wrote a book and publishers are calling me. All good things coming.
I have a lot of love and gratitude for so many people this year. I have a lot of things I still want to do. A lot of things I want to learn and teach. Paintings to paint. Books to write. Places to visit. People to heal and tend to and maybe just maybe some asses to kick. I have a lot of joy and laughter coming, a lot of fun too. Some of it might be hard work, which I am prepared for, but the rest will be like breathing.
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Spell work
Lots of spell work underway as well as the Great Mother healing altar which is taking up most of the big table today. Should really be doing real world presents and so on but I am happy splashing about in the magick waters today.
I had physio yesterday. It hurt. Like really hurt. I am rather tender and bruised today.
The rose thorns are part of my standard protection wards and they fell down this morning so I unwrapped them and burnt the last binding (it burned for ages on the outside of my window sill). I then rebound them with three different charms. I sealed it with crayon wax and used TK pentagram ring to seal it tightly.
Then I added the hanging (so it sits in my front window) of white satin ribbon enchanting it with a Goddess blessing.
I like the sealing so much I experimented on the spell candle someone asked me to do today after I dressed it in oils.
When I find the motivation I will clean and cleanse so I can work "proper" later.
Lots of spell work underway as well as the Great Mother healing altar which is taking up most of the big table today. Should really be doing real world presents and so on but I am happy splashing about in the magick waters today.
I had physio yesterday. It hurt. Like really hurt. I am rather tender and bruised today.
The rose thorns are part of my standard protection wards and they fell down this morning so I unwrapped them and burnt the last binding (it burned for ages on the outside of my window sill). I then rebound them with three different charms. I sealed it with crayon wax and used TK pentagram ring to seal it tightly.
Then I added the hanging (so it sits in my front window) of white satin ribbon enchanting it with a Goddess blessing.
I like the sealing so much I experimented on the spell candle someone asked me to do today after I dressed it in oils.
When I find the motivation I will clean and cleanse so I can work "proper" later.
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Healing Rites
Gramar nazi's and spelling police, no comments because I am tired, dyslexic and on the computer with no spell checker.
So. As you may or may not know my spiritual evil twin (she claims I am her evil twin) is looking at the prospect of losing a child. Shai's beautiful daughter was in a car collision on the 9th of December (the anversary of my own daughters death.)
I spent yesterday shopping and preparing herbs, oils and a drop of my blood in my cauldron simmering away.
I bought more candles and some herbs for incense. I got mini witch to clean and tidy the space and after a ritual bath and put on my robes I prepared the incense. It had many things in it, ground applewood, lavender, heartease and so on. I carved the main spell/prayer candle and painted it with the reduction of herbs and such I had simmered a few hours before.
After dinner (vegie stew) we set up the altar and TK unwapped our tools. Mini witch got changed and then so did TK.
I cast a circle, called the corners, and read the Charge of the Goddess. I got TK to read the Charge of the God.
We sang and clapped and drummed to power the circle. The we visualized stand around the hospital bed. We chanted and chanted. It was very intense and I know I could "see" Emily while we worked. When we were done I blessed the cup and we all had a sip.
I release and thanked everyone from the circle and TK wrapped the tools and my books and put them away. The rest of the healing altar is still there and the candle is still burning.
Today I have been cleaning and looking after Pops. It isn't late but I am really tired.
Gramar nazi's and spelling police, no comments because I am tired, dyslexic and on the computer with no spell checker.
So. As you may or may not know my spiritual evil twin (she claims I am her evil twin) is looking at the prospect of losing a child. Shai's beautiful daughter was in a car collision on the 9th of December (the anversary of my own daughters death.)
I spent yesterday shopping and preparing herbs, oils and a drop of my blood in my cauldron simmering away.
I bought more candles and some herbs for incense. I got mini witch to clean and tidy the space and after a ritual bath and put on my robes I prepared the incense. It had many things in it, ground applewood, lavender, heartease and so on. I carved the main spell/prayer candle and painted it with the reduction of herbs and such I had simmered a few hours before.
After dinner (vegie stew) we set up the altar and TK unwapped our tools. Mini witch got changed and then so did TK.
I cast a circle, called the corners, and read the Charge of the Goddess. I got TK to read the Charge of the God.
We sang and clapped and drummed to power the circle. The we visualized stand around the hospital bed. We chanted and chanted. It was very intense and I know I could "see" Emily while we worked. When we were done I blessed the cup and we all had a sip.
I release and thanked everyone from the circle and TK wrapped the tools and my books and put them away. The rest of the healing altar is still there and the candle is still burning.
Today I have been cleaning and looking after Pops. It isn't late but I am really tired.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Oh Great Mother wrap your arms around Emily Rose Maria
Let your endless love comfort and support her.
Oh Great Mother may your Divine gentle Grace protect her.
May her head find healing release on your breast.
May she softly sleep, like a child in your warm love.
Then waken whole and healthy, bright and bold.
Oh Great Mother Emily Rose Maria hold.
Oh Great Mother wrap your arms around Emily Rose Maria
Let your endless love comfort and support her.
Oh Great Mother may your Divine gentle Grace protect her.
May her head find healing release on your breast.
May she softly sleep, like a child in your warm love.
Then waken whole and healthy, bright and bold.
Oh Great Mother Emily Rose Maria hold.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Magick and the Land.
Growing up living in a freezing cold dilapidated old welsh farm house, I wanted out. I mean I loved the trees, the air, the mountains, but I wanted something. Something I couldn't put into words. Even though both my parents are welsh to say I was strongly discouraged from even speaking with the welsh accent (my Dad would clip me up the ear if and when he was around to hear me) let alone SPEAK welsh, would be an understatement.
I have lived in England now for what feels like an age and yet it was this land that showed me my "welshness". The casual racism, the cultural jokes and utter ignorance of even basic welsh history can be trying, but it is the culture I miss. That and the land.
My inner landscape is not rolling meadows and little streams, it is wild rushing waters and purple mountains streaked with livid yellow and black. It is filled the sound of the rushing wind. The smell of snow. The taste of water that makes all other water taste weird and wrong. I miss the weather. I miss how my feet feel when I have been walking on the land. I miss the way I am part of it and it is part of me at such a deep level I am at a loss to describe. I have been to other very very beautiful places all over the world, full of ancient magick and wonder. Yet I always have the strongest feeling that rather than Cymru owned me. I belonged to the land somehow.
Sometimes it calls to me in my sleep, sometimes when I am awake. It is this odd sensation of like the flow of water against the body, a tide or current with greater or lesser force dependent on where and when I am. At first it simply drew me back. As time went on and my odd exile continued I found I could draw strength and magick from the flows as well as expend it resisting. The lullabies I sang to my babies were in welsh. I would swear in welsh, and coo and sigh in it.
For some people I am not welsh enough. Yet I am at peace because I am welsh enough for me. I am dreaming of living in Cymru again. This does not depress me, or leave me sad of where I am. It fills me with hope.
I do not own the landscape images in this blog, all rights reserved to arts.
Growing up living in a freezing cold dilapidated old welsh farm house, I wanted out. I mean I loved the trees, the air, the mountains, but I wanted something. Something I couldn't put into words. Even though both my parents are welsh to say I was strongly discouraged from even speaking with the welsh accent (my Dad would clip me up the ear if and when he was around to hear me) let alone SPEAK welsh, would be an understatement.
I have lived in England now for what feels like an age and yet it was this land that showed me my "welshness". The casual racism, the cultural jokes and utter ignorance of even basic welsh history can be trying, but it is the culture I miss. That and the land.
My inner landscape is not rolling meadows and little streams, it is wild rushing waters and purple mountains streaked with livid yellow and black. It is filled the sound of the rushing wind. The smell of snow. The taste of water that makes all other water taste weird and wrong. I miss the weather. I miss how my feet feel when I have been walking on the land. I miss the way I am part of it and it is part of me at such a deep level I am at a loss to describe. I have been to other very very beautiful places all over the world, full of ancient magick and wonder. Yet I always have the strongest feeling that rather than Cymru owned me. I belonged to the land somehow.
Sometimes it calls to me in my sleep, sometimes when I am awake. It is this odd sensation of like the flow of water against the body, a tide or current with greater or lesser force dependent on where and when I am. At first it simply drew me back. As time went on and my odd exile continued I found I could draw strength and magick from the flows as well as expend it resisting. The lullabies I sang to my babies were in welsh. I would swear in welsh, and coo and sigh in it.
For some people I am not welsh enough. Yet I am at peace because I am welsh enough for me. I am dreaming of living in Cymru again. This does not depress me, or leave me sad of where I am. It fills me with hope.
I do not own the landscape images in this blog, all rights reserved to arts.
Monday, 9 December 2013
No Tears:
This day, this date I lost someone more precious than I can express. I will not dredge up old pain. Old grief today. I have cried enough.
I cried oceans
I have cried sands
I have cried skies
I cried lands
I cried softly
I have cried loud
I have cried in secret
I have cried proud
I cried in bed
Alone in the dark
I cried in the garden
The street, the park.
I cried in the bath
So nobody would see
I cried on the train
The bus, in a car.
I cried myself sick
Swollen and blind
I cried myself angry
I cried myself kind
I cried without warning
I cried when I planned
I have cried oceans
I have cried lands.
So if today you see no tears
I have been crying
And crying
And crying for years.
In Living
In Living
In living in remembering they live
In Shades and in half refelected light
The smell of hair: the warmth of breath
In living we are not utterly breft.
In living and in knowing
They live.
In the hazy warm of between
Gentle sleep and rude awake
We brave the day for their sweet sake.
Watching those who dare not speak
Press their grief and in darkness keep
To snuff out any warmth at all
Hot and burning tears might seep
Prize forgetting most of all.
I shall not ever shy away
From the warm memories, dreams that play
That turn to frozen dust in day
For in remembering they live.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
How can there be darkness when I allow my own light to shine? It is never the light that is overwhelmed. Sometimes the light fades, sometimes it flickers or the wick makes spits and sparks but the darkness does not consume the light. I am going to shine today. I am going to embrace my joy. I am going to have faith in my light.
I am also going to be putting up new fairy lights and braving the crush of Saturday shoppers.
Wish me good luck.
How can there be darkness when I allow my own light to shine? It is never the light that is overwhelmed. Sometimes the light fades, sometimes it flickers or the wick makes spits and sparks but the darkness does not consume the light. I am going to shine today. I am going to embrace my joy. I am going to have faith in my light.
I am also going to be putting up new fairy lights and braving the crush of Saturday shoppers.
Wish me good luck.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
The Soul of the thing.
When someone comes for a reading sometimes they want to know about love. Sometimes work, or family. Then sometimes people come because they feel lost, a hurting ache that their path is withered away to nothingness.
Funnily something someone told me a long time ago rings true about this. If someone has a "sex" problem, it is usually and spiritual problem. If they have a "spiritual" problem it is normally about sex. Last night the readee wanted his life to stay the same, with the same people and the same everything else. Yet he had this sense of being "lost" on his path. All around him were coming new people and places and opportunities, there were also lots of endings. He didn't want this truth to be about his life, he wanted it to be about his "path" as though it was separate from his life.
It wasn't a "bad reading" but he was failing to accept the messages given because he didn't want them to apply.
Life and path are not separate. Path is just where you are going. When you look back you have made it into a path. Others might follow on it or not. How hard going it is is down to the choices you make today.
This is not not to say that readings are pointless. As a means to have someone really look at your life and choices and see where they lead it is an amazing tool. One too few people use wisely but a tool none the less.
Life is change. This can be a tough concept because it can seem fearful. It is a joy, and opportunity, every day to be able to do amazing and wonderful things. Embrace the change. :)

When someone comes for a reading sometimes they want to know about love. Sometimes work, or family. Then sometimes people come because they feel lost, a hurting ache that their path is withered away to nothingness.
Funnily something someone told me a long time ago rings true about this. If someone has a "sex" problem, it is usually and spiritual problem. If they have a "spiritual" problem it is normally about sex. Last night the readee wanted his life to stay the same, with the same people and the same everything else. Yet he had this sense of being "lost" on his path. All around him were coming new people and places and opportunities, there were also lots of endings. He didn't want this truth to be about his life, he wanted it to be about his "path" as though it was separate from his life.
It wasn't a "bad reading" but he was failing to accept the messages given because he didn't want them to apply.
Life and path are not separate. Path is just where you are going. When you look back you have made it into a path. Others might follow on it or not. How hard going it is is down to the choices you make today.
This is not not to say that readings are pointless. As a means to have someone really look at your life and choices and see where they lead it is an amazing tool. One too few people use wisely but a tool none the less.
Life is change. This can be a tough concept because it can seem fearful. It is a joy, and opportunity, every day to be able to do amazing and wonderful things. Embrace the change. :)
Monday, 2 December 2013
Oh Dark Moon
Oh Dark Moon who gives no light
Your beauty is no less this night.
Crone I honor your gentle reaping of mine
I surrender that which has out lived it's time.
Sing over the loss of blood and bone
Return it all to dust or stone.
So I may rejoice and so too grieve
For the new to come and the old to leave.
The womb without and within
I honor my dance red widdershin.
Oh Dark Moon who gives no light
Your beauty is no less this night.
Crone I honor your gentle reaping of mine
I surrender that which has out lived it's time.
Sing over the loss of blood and bone
Return it all to dust or stone.
So I may rejoice and so too grieve
For the new to come and the old to leave.
The womb without and within
I honor my dance red widdershin.
Sunday, 1 December 2013
So you may have missed me, or not! Any the who what with the projects I have in hand for gifts for people this Yuletide I have be away from the keyboard. (I can not type and sew.)
I always would love to share the joyous witchy goodness with you BUT some of the folks getting gifts READ my blog...
So, do forgive my absence and know that I love all my big and little fey and humans, but I am weaving and sewing my magick. I am baking and cooking up treats and sweets and I may even get round to making my (much coverted) chilli jam soon...
Also my hubby TK is working a lot on the laptop where my pictures are, and I am back upstairs on the PC, so no prettiness to even liven up this blog!!!
So you may have missed me, or not! Any the who what with the projects I have in hand for gifts for people this Yuletide I have be away from the keyboard. (I can not type and sew.)
I always would love to share the joyous witchy goodness with you BUT some of the folks getting gifts READ my blog...
So, do forgive my absence and know that I love all my big and little fey and humans, but I am weaving and sewing my magick. I am baking and cooking up treats and sweets and I may even get round to making my (much coverted) chilli jam soon...
Also my hubby TK is working a lot on the laptop where my pictures are, and I am back upstairs on the PC, so no prettiness to even liven up this blog!!!
Monday, 25 November 2013
I woke up late and all of the things I had planned to do are now in the dust as TK left me to sleep. I am meeting him at lunch time but I was having difficulty...finding my good attitude today. Okay I was pissed off. I know I have the Yuletide craft projects under way and keeping mini witch busy but I really needed to reconnect and feel blessed. I lit a candle (a basil one me and TK made the other day) and had a prayer and it has helped. Prayer can be a dirty word in the pagan community. It has lost much of it's light, and grace. It is sometimes call spiritual begging but I do not find it so. Prayer for me a connection. A moment or several moments where I reach up and within to connect to that spark, the grace, the feeling of blessedness. Prayer for me it not an out pouring of woes and wants but a moment of hope and peace. I have to surrender my day, let it be as it is and see it with eyes of wonder not anger.
I woke up late and all of the things I had planned to do are now in the dust as TK left me to sleep. I am meeting him at lunch time but I was having difficulty...finding my good attitude today. Okay I was pissed off. I know I have the Yuletide craft projects under way and keeping mini witch busy but I really needed to reconnect and feel blessed. I lit a candle (a basil one me and TK made the other day) and had a prayer and it has helped. Prayer can be a dirty word in the pagan community. It has lost much of it's light, and grace. It is sometimes call spiritual begging but I do not find it so. Prayer for me a connection. A moment or several moments where I reach up and within to connect to that spark, the grace, the feeling of blessedness. Prayer for me it not an out pouring of woes and wants but a moment of hope and peace. I have to surrender my day, let it be as it is and see it with eyes of wonder not anger.
within me
me swiftly to my greatest Joy.
what brings me Joy
me closer to you.
am a unique being of Joy
surrender to you,
you are my greatest good.
honour you in my heart
honour myself.
honour and love all the gifts you give me.
know they will bring me abundance
your cup overflows always.
good can come
following my highest calling.
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Air my Breath
Meditation is one of the Eight Fey Paths I walk and teach and is an integral part of my personal practice. I see it not as an interesting diversion from the world but core part of my faith and ability to do magick.
While we are creatures of spirit and flesh the mind and all of it's parts really should not be ignored. How we think and what we feel are linked, as too are the thoughts we think and the health of our body.
While fire mediation, water meditation, and even earth meditations can be difficult for many reason air meditation is one that students and teachers struggle with alike.
Yet the movement of air into and around our body (which part of the lungs you hold it in) has a huge effect on body and mind.
Deep breathing, breathing into the belly has many positive benefits and can be practice at any time in any setting. Now while certain yoga practices have informed this, probably not as many as you would think. I learned to breath in two ways. One from playing the flute and the other was choral singing. Being able to draw in a deep breath and hold it deep in the body and let it out slowly clears the mind. Slows the heart rate. Releases or slows the flow of stress hormones. All this control didn't help me with Air greatest lesson, letting go. Learning to surrender to the process and relax my breath, soften into my exhalation has taken years of work and practice. Allowing the breath to carry fear and anxiety out of my body, to take tension and anger out of my belly is a gift that Air when lovingly nurtured can teach.
Meditation is one of the Eight Fey Paths I walk and teach and is an integral part of my personal practice. I see it not as an interesting diversion from the world but core part of my faith and ability to do magick.
While we are creatures of spirit and flesh the mind and all of it's parts really should not be ignored. How we think and what we feel are linked, as too are the thoughts we think and the health of our body.
While fire mediation, water meditation, and even earth meditations can be difficult for many reason air meditation is one that students and teachers struggle with alike.
Yet the movement of air into and around our body (which part of the lungs you hold it in) has a huge effect on body and mind.
Deep breathing, breathing into the belly has many positive benefits and can be practice at any time in any setting. Now while certain yoga practices have informed this, probably not as many as you would think. I learned to breath in two ways. One from playing the flute and the other was choral singing. Being able to draw in a deep breath and hold it deep in the body and let it out slowly clears the mind. Slows the heart rate. Releases or slows the flow of stress hormones. All this control didn't help me with Air greatest lesson, letting go. Learning to surrender to the process and relax my breath, soften into my exhalation has taken years of work and practice. Allowing the breath to carry fear and anxiety out of my body, to take tension and anger out of my belly is a gift that Air when lovingly nurtured can teach.
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Witchin' the Craft
Been making candles (spell and non) with TK today and yesterday. Also thinking of making a moon altar this week.
This is the spell candle for my friend who can not sleep well. We used recycled wax (old candles and shells and bits left over) herbs and oils and even some spices too. We melted the wax in a double boiler and bought the wicks at a local art store. We have eight now cooling and setting. We still have wicks and wax but we are out of jars!
Been making candles (spell and non) with TK today and yesterday. Also thinking of making a moon altar this week.

Friday, 22 November 2013
I have a huge knowledge of herbs. I started rather young and had this gift with anything green. Partially I think this comes down to the fact that living in the middle of the ass end of nowhere (medical treatment was a trek). Also green things spoke to me. I could run my hand over things and "know" what to use them for. Of course my logical brain wanted to quantify and qualify this "knowing" with facts. I learned much from being around folk who could tell you what was what, and a small book of wild flowers that was as pretty as it was ancient. Then from medicinal books. I now seem to collect herbal tomes.
I think that what you need is generally around you. It is an odd thing to say and while I know a little bit about plants from far off climbs, I still think that what you need tends to be what grow where you are. If I suddenly moved somewhere tropical I would walk around looking up the interesting plants around me. I live in an urban space (it bugs me sometimes but hopefully not for too much longer) but there are always plants around. Always. Some are in better health than others but they are there. I gather always with the knowledge that these plants are fragile and take a little from each plant. I dry and preserve as much as I can.
Of course I have two tiny gardens that delight in being as wild and untamed as possible. I have and do try but with my bad back I tend to let other people do the grunt work when I can (I torn a muscle in my back next to my spine). Yet everything from bramble leaves to St Johnswort can be pick and used magicakly and for healing.
Some of my friends that I exposed to tinctures and balms are no looking to become herbalists. Something I did consider for myself for a while.
While I do enjoy exotic oils and resins and adore spices especially cinnamon I can spot chickweed in a field chew it up and apply it to a nasty insect bite and it be almost gone in a couple of hours.
I truly think that you are given what you need, where ever you might be. No matter how harsh the environment, the flora there will be best for your magick and healing. In damp places were you are more likely to get joint pains and coughs that is where the plants grow that help with coughs and joint pain. Nature finds a way. Always.
I have a huge knowledge of herbs. I started rather young and had this gift with anything green. Partially I think this comes down to the fact that living in the middle of the ass end of nowhere (medical treatment was a trek). Also green things spoke to me. I could run my hand over things and "know" what to use them for. Of course my logical brain wanted to quantify and qualify this "knowing" with facts. I learned much from being around folk who could tell you what was what, and a small book of wild flowers that was as pretty as it was ancient. Then from medicinal books. I now seem to collect herbal tomes.
I think that what you need is generally around you. It is an odd thing to say and while I know a little bit about plants from far off climbs, I still think that what you need tends to be what grow where you are. If I suddenly moved somewhere tropical I would walk around looking up the interesting plants around me. I live in an urban space (it bugs me sometimes but hopefully not for too much longer) but there are always plants around. Always. Some are in better health than others but they are there. I gather always with the knowledge that these plants are fragile and take a little from each plant. I dry and preserve as much as I can.
Of course I have two tiny gardens that delight in being as wild and untamed as possible. I have and do try but with my bad back I tend to let other people do the grunt work when I can (I torn a muscle in my back next to my spine). Yet everything from bramble leaves to St Johnswort can be pick and used magicakly and for healing.
Some of my friends that I exposed to tinctures and balms are no looking to become herbalists. Something I did consider for myself for a while.
While I do enjoy exotic oils and resins and adore spices especially cinnamon I can spot chickweed in a field chew it up and apply it to a nasty insect bite and it be almost gone in a couple of hours.
I truly think that you are given what you need, where ever you might be. No matter how harsh the environment, the flora there will be best for your magick and healing. In damp places were you are more likely to get joint pains and coughs that is where the plants grow that help with coughs and joint pain. Nature finds a way. Always.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Okay so I have had a hard day in a rather tough week but rather than go and have a nap, I thought I would talk to about this often misunderstood idea.
Power in terms of magick is the petrol in the engine of your ritual and spell work. This is the sticking point for many who do not understand it's subtle ebb and flow, or have the mind and will to focus it.
It can have many and varied sources (the wards in my home are based on spirit power and that of the plants that grow in my living room). Tapping and weaving these powers into the charm, ward, spell or ritual give it extra juice.
One of the reasons working within a circle is important is that is does contain the energy you raise within it until you say it is to be released. Charging the space with music, silence (never underestimate the power of silence) dance, spirits, and Deities adds to it too. Most of the time it is not the will or the spell that is not working but the fact that the energy isn't there.
Emotion does often play a huge role in the kind of energy in the circle. This is why healing can be harmful if there is even the hint of negative connection to the person being healed. It is also why witches need to deal with their own emotional crap frequently to make sure their own baggage isn't messing with the work they want to do. No, if you are angry and hurting at this person you can not heal them, but you can bind or banish, you can curse or hex. This not to say you must hex in anger or that it a bad thing. ( Sending someone something bad until they learn their lesson, gets a bad rep, but it works!)
This is why the Eight fae Paths works. It is about translating ritual work into a battery to fuel the work you want to do. It is about weaving many strands together to make simple things complex and complex things work simply.
The funny thing is that taking power from others or from other places does work but it is not the same as opening up yourself and accepting your own power. When you take power and or attention from others you distance yourself from The Veil, from the connection to all things and places. When you really connect with yourself you have the power of all things and all places. This requires hard work and discipline. Yet it is a joyful experience.
You have to surrender to your own power and let it flow.
Okay so I have had a hard day in a rather tough week but rather than go and have a nap, I thought I would talk to about this often misunderstood idea.
Power in terms of magick is the petrol in the engine of your ritual and spell work. This is the sticking point for many who do not understand it's subtle ebb and flow, or have the mind and will to focus it.
It can have many and varied sources (the wards in my home are based on spirit power and that of the plants that grow in my living room). Tapping and weaving these powers into the charm, ward, spell or ritual give it extra juice.
One of the reasons working within a circle is important is that is does contain the energy you raise within it until you say it is to be released. Charging the space with music, silence (never underestimate the power of silence) dance, spirits, and Deities adds to it too. Most of the time it is not the will or the spell that is not working but the fact that the energy isn't there.
Emotion does often play a huge role in the kind of energy in the circle. This is why healing can be harmful if there is even the hint of negative connection to the person being healed. It is also why witches need to deal with their own emotional crap frequently to make sure their own baggage isn't messing with the work they want to do. No, if you are angry and hurting at this person you can not heal them, but you can bind or banish, you can curse or hex. This not to say you must hex in anger or that it a bad thing. ( Sending someone something bad until they learn their lesson, gets a bad rep, but it works!)
This is why the Eight fae Paths works. It is about translating ritual work into a battery to fuel the work you want to do. It is about weaving many strands together to make simple things complex and complex things work simply.
The funny thing is that taking power from others or from other places does work but it is not the same as opening up yourself and accepting your own power. When you take power and or attention from others you distance yourself from The Veil, from the connection to all things and places. When you really connect with yourself you have the power of all things and all places. This requires hard work and discipline. Yet it is a joyful experience.
You have to surrender to your own power and let it flow.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Fey ritual. Part 2
Fey ritual. Part 2
So I started last nights rites by singing the poem I wrote and getting TK and mini witch to colour in elven stars (I even used crayons). This really lifted us all and made us giggle and be silly. We ate our sacred meal of lamb and rosemary again. (No dumplings though).
I got out my descant recorder, my whistle and my drum. We charged the circle and placed our art on the fire place. TK lit lots of tealight candles and the whole room look beautiful.
The stars looked even more lovely and we lit the blue candles I had dressed with metal powder and glitter to look like starry skies.
I cast the circle, called the corners and TK drummed while mini witch and I chanted. We built on the power the drawing and the singing had given us.When there was enough energy we made a big blue ball of light by adding a little at a time each, and passing it around the circle. When the energy ball get really big we sent it out. I blessed the cup (so co and archers with wild berries) and we shared it.
At this point I was flagging and TK released the quarters and circle.
So I started last nights rites by singing the poem I wrote and getting TK and mini witch to colour in elven stars (I even used crayons). This really lifted us all and made us giggle and be silly. We ate our sacred meal of lamb and rosemary again. (No dumplings though).
I got out my descant recorder, my whistle and my drum. We charged the circle and placed our art on the fire place. TK lit lots of tealight candles and the whole room look beautiful.
The stars looked even more lovely and we lit the blue candles I had dressed with metal powder and glitter to look like starry skies.
I cast the circle, called the corners and TK drummed while mini witch and I chanted. We built on the power the drawing and the singing had given us.When there was enough energy we made a big blue ball of light by adding a little at a time each, and passing it around the circle. When the energy ball get really big we sent it out. I blessed the cup (so co and archers with wild berries) and we shared it.
At this point I was flagging and TK released the quarters and circle.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Fae Ritual.
Fae Ritual.
I have to head to the hospital to see how my father-in-law (aka Pops) is doing but I will write up what I did last night later. Thank you if you sent out some light into the darkness last night. Please tell me how your rites went.
Some of the pictures of our altar.
The preparing of the lamb with rosemary and salt. The Roasting in the oven and then adding to the pot with lots of leek.
The ritual meal with rosemary dumplings and rosemary flat bread.
I have to head to the hospital to see how my father-in-law (aka Pops) is doing but I will write up what I did last night later. Thank you if you sent out some light into the darkness last night. Please tell me how your rites went.
The preparing of the lamb with rosemary and salt. The Roasting in the oven and then adding to the pot with lots of leek.
The ritual meal with rosemary dumplings and rosemary flat bread.
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