Monday, 9 January 2017

The Four Principles of Celtic Fae Witchcraft

The Four Principles of Celtic Fae Witchcraft

Daily Practice

Vital Refinement 

Everyday Magick

Conscious Kindness

Daily Practice 

This idea is one that time and time again bubbles back up. Of course touching all four circles everyday makes sense. Much like a musician or athlete we are building up and mental and spiritual set of muscle memories making it easier to dwell in each of the circles and in the 'tweens. Music and magickal growth have much in common.  Sometimes it is easy. The hands work, the mind finds a clarity and peace, the music flows and it is effortless. Some days it isn't. The hands won't work, it all seems a muddle and it's difficult and annoying. Both are important. The important part is to keep play the next day and the day after that. 
It can be as simple as to keep breathing, as simple as three breaths. Or to connect and honour one of the Five Sacred Things. Doing the work every day you can is important. There is no point berating yourself. If you too sick or have a something disrupt your daily routine (life happens), just make space for the magick in yourself and the world. It is important. Do it everyday you can. 

Vital Refinement

You are a work in progress. Always. You are learning and growing, and forgetting and slipping into bad habits. Like everyone else. Much as you clean a house with soap and smudge so you too need up-keep. Sometimes it feels great, clean and peaceful and then sometimes it feels impossible or pointless (it's only gonna get dirty again anyways) but it still needs it. It helps to have it as part of your daily practice. Little and often makes it easier when the "big" things happen. It is a a way of living truer to your heart and soul. It opens you up and it can be dark and messy but it is always, always worthy, because you are.
If someone else's "house" looks perfect, it only looks that way. They have "junk draws" like the rest of us! Sometimes it's messy while you are pulling out the things and deciding what to throw away and what to keep. It takes time and effort and is never ending but it makes space inside us to fully grow into ourselves. Some of us have attics of junk, some have basements, and some barely have space to sit down. It's not about "perfect". There is no yardstick to compete against someone else. 
It is about you and your "stuff". Doing your best with the things you made and the things that were given, whether you wanted them or not.

Everyday Magick

Magick is not something you, it's something you are. We are constantly pushing, shaping and changing the reality of the world around us. Every breath, every thought, every action rippling out into the Universe and echoing back. We change the world by simply being in it. 
Magick is not some foreign intrusion into the world. Magick is the untangling of the world around you so it flows. Much like the removing of sicks and rocks from a stream, it know which way to flow, even if you don't. From blessing your morning tea, to the family meal, to protection wards around your home, delaying the bus (to catch it) or healing a pet (if it needs healing). 
It can be part of your daily practice, or simply part of your day. It can be part of your vital refinement, or make your life a tiny bit better.

Conscious Kindness

In Celtic cultures, manners, kindness and hospitality are important. Not only as signs of a persons true worth (if the person is good to you but not to the waiter they are not a good person) but it is in empathy and connection we make the world better not only for ourselves but those around us. This is as important in the things we don't do as in what we do. Kindness and connection are skills that help societies function and tools that we are beginning to lack. 
Kindness is not always easy and to some it is a weakness. The vulnerability of true kindness can be frightening but without the world is less. Being polite, kind and hospitable don't just make the world around you better but it also ties into vital refinement, and daily practice.

The circles of these principles are not fixed lines but moving pools of light that crossover, touch and separate. These principles are about building or re-building a way of life. A way of being that brings a lot of joy and happiness. Peace where you could not imagine it. It's not an easy fix, and it will be imperfect. You will fail, but you will also learn that failing is not a flaw but a building block of success. That learning is hardwired into you and that hope looks a lot like stubbornness.

Bright Blessings xxx


  1. I really needed to read this today, I've been lamenting over not having my usually witchy items and trying to create sacred space with what I do have. I need to remember to make magic part of my day as you mentioned despite not having my collection of crystals or other items.

    Blessed Be!

  2. I just feel led to get this off my chest but I am here to tell you that judgment is coming very soon upon this world. Please Take heed, The world as we know it will very soon be changed forever and nothing will go back to the way it once was. A Mass Blackout, Massive earthquakes, Massive Tsunamis, Empty shelves in grocery stores, Famine and War across the nations will very soon come upon the Earth. <<<<<, VERY IMPORTANT, God loves you so much, please have a watch.

    There will also be major food shortages and empty grocery shelves coming upon the world due to catastrophic events and the next wave. It's going to get very rough, so please stock up all you can right now. See below for details.

    The mark of the beast will also be implemented very soon which comes in the form of a small chip the size of a grain of rice. It will be enforced upon the nations and will soon be made mandatory. It will be inserted in the hand or the forehead. Revelation 13:17 "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666." Do not take the Test Swap, Vaccine or the Coming Chip, it will change your DNA and will make you permanently irredeemable.

    The test swap contains nanobot fibres and destroys red blood cells, do not take it. Here is proof. >>>>>

    Nothing of this world is worth holding onto. No one can save us from what's to come but God. This is a warning of what is to come, take heed.
    God loves you so much and wants none to perish. If you are feeling lost, depressed or suicidal, God is calling you to him, all it takes is a leap of faith. Please watch these 5 videos after you have watched the video link above. <important, read from the middle down on what goes on behind the scenes. part 1 the vatican exposed, it is the epicenter for child trafficking, imprisonment and torture, judgment is coming soon to the wicked. part 2

    I also want to point out aLIEns are demons, do not believe the false flag alien invasion the government will pull off when one of the raptures happen,
    starlink and  project blue beam will be used for the false alien invasion which is holographic, do not believe the lies. Please watch.
