I believe In Faeries.
I believe In Faeries.

There are some very clever people who do, as I do believe in faeries, the fey, the good neighbors. Oddly I do not know if belief is even the right word, maybe accept, respect, acknowledge them as a part of my life and spiritual practice would be a better description. I am not sure they care if I believe in them, I imagine some do, but the ones that seem to be visitors or residents in my home and temple couldn't give a crap what I believe so long as I give them cake and occasionally booze. My house Brownie, (Mr Brown) helps me cook, and protects the house, well from people he doesn't like. He will steal, I mean borrow or remove things if he feels insulted (by guests as well as the household) or disrespected. He is also not above taking and eating food if he doesn't believe he has been given his fair share. On the plus side if you set him aside some bread dough when baking, or a piece of cake and the occasional bit of booze, he may even appear while people are there. He gave me a right fright once by running under the table while I was kneading bread. Even my guest jumped back. Even if he is not being seen, then he will bang about the cupboard doors. A very skeptical friend was about to blame the cat for the noise until she sat down next to him, the banging and opening closing the cupboard doors continued but my friends eyes were large as saucers! How I laughed!
You see I believe, I do not know but I believe that the universe is not a solid sheet but like a bubble bath with worlds and dimensions all rubbing up next to each other. That some of these places (and times) mean beings from these places interact with our world. Some like the balls of twinkling light or Victorian faeries, twinkle because they need a lot of energy to poke a hole from their bubble to ours, while other do not need to or use rocks trees or water instead as a conduit. Now this foam, or bubble membrane is what I call The Veil. So at times of the years this Veil is thinner that others and is thinner in certain places. Sometimes it is thicker. These beings of all shapes and sizes are more universally constant to people than almost anything else. The names might change but if you go by habitat and how they look then Russian faeries and Irish faeries and so on are almost identical. Research, as I do in great detail and you will find them. How we treat them, respect them, what we believe they are might change, but their appearance, habits, likes and so on have changed very little.
So what does this mean in terms of magick? Well it means that when you cast your circle you are making a space within the bubbles. You effect and interact with The Veil, creating "a world with worlds, where the Might Ones dwell". This place is both protection from and space where fey can enter or leave this plane. When we evoke the elemental quarters we are drawing on and inviting in these beings and their energy and power. This is why I never "summon" because fey take manners seriously and will right royally fuck you up if they feel slighted or injured. Those foolish enough to make oaths or promises to fey and break them have my sympathy because that level of mind-numbing stupidity will never be forgotten. Yet it is not fear, but love and deep affection that cements my relationships with these folk. They are generous with their time, affection and wisdom. They are warm and funny, fiercely loyal, beautiful, practical but whimsical creatures. Once under their cloak of protection no harm can come to you or those they feel are "theirs".

These are wild forces given names and form, full of life and power. They find magick in everything. Yet they have their laws and respect those that know them, but are not above ridiculing or lying to those that do not.
Yes I believe in faeries and even better, they believe in me.
I do not own or make the images in this blog. All rights are with the artists.
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