Tuesday, 3 February 2015

In Defense of Meditation

In Defense of Meditation

This is a response to this blog

"White meditators", just wow.You want to bunch any more people under than label?
Firstly there are thousands of types of meditation. That focus on many different aspects of the mind, body and spirit. If some people do not apply the techniques to their lives and only use it as an "escape" there are huge parts of meditation that they are not understanding. Meditation may start by "sitting still" but the process should evolve into something you carry beyond your own lotus posture.
The best examples of activist "white meditators" would be folks like Russel Brand, Jim Carrey and the like. 
Meditation is a way to be at peace with yourself. For some people that is enough. It is frightening to stand in the glare of the rage, hate and oppression. To take a stand. Some people feel so small (and are so belittled) that standing up for themselves, let alone others seems impossibly big.
This has nothing to do with the colour of their skin, but of a culture telling them to shut up, not get involved, not complain. Often they do what they can in small ways. How they raise their kids. Which charities they support. Who, how and if they vote. How they treat their friends, and families.
This is "enough" for some people. For others it is not.
For others it is writing letter, attending protests, petitions, vlogs, or vigils. 
Being angry because you believe it is the meditation, rather than the fear of being a "dumb ass do-gooder" then maybe you should meditate more. Not in a retreat but at your desk, in your kitchen, at the protest. 
Meditation is not a problem, it is a solution.

Bright Blessings xxx

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