Objectifying and Liberating.
Someone needs to sit down and have a nice long chat with those helpful boys at #Instagram. While they tell us that they are removing images "for our own good", to protect us from pornography they might want to ban some other words before they ban #goddess. #cunt for example, or #vagina, perhaps?Just a suggestion.
No, we poor, delicate creature need to be protected.
Also shamed because ew period, ew gross.
Oh my GAWD is that a nipple, is it just sat there?
It isn't even on a FAKE breast covered in suntan oil, or a thin white t-shirt. EW.
You see boys, (isn't making sweeping gender assumptions kind of off putting) while you say you are trying to protect us, what you are doing is censoring women voices, women's bodies and their #goddess, regardless of belief.
If an image doesn't fit into the Western ideas or body ideas what a woman "should" be you remove or censor it.
The naked body is not in it's self an erotic image.

Breast are owned by both genders but are a deeply personal part of a woman's life and story. They change a she changes. Grow, and shrink, and rise and fall. Are covered in all kinds of marks.
They are not "fun bags" for consumption. They are not "for" anyone but the woman who owns them.
They are not to sell cars, or burgers, or beer.
A woman's body does not belong to those looking at her. It belongs solely, and soulfully to her.
Seriously women, more often than not, do not choose what they wear, how they have their hair, or make-up (even on dates) to impress men. They wear clothes for a thousand subtle reason (even down the size of their heels) as a code that women tend to read in each other. The same is true of make-up (everyone woman has different persona with different make-up looks if they wear make-up). It is a code that sends signals to other women, not seen by most men at all. Oh she is wearing red lipstick? She MUST want to have sex! Nope. Just as likely she is on her period, has a zit she is trying to draw attention away from or even liked the colour as it matched her scarf.
It isn't about you.
I feel like I need to say it again.
It is not about YOU.
Is that a new dress/skirt/perfume?
Maybe, or maybe it is awfully close to laundry day and she only has her "good" dresses left.
You see women, and this is a shocker; are people! They find their own bodies beautiful, powerful and magickal and some men do too. They don't feel the need to own them, or turn them into objects and things. They don't have to talk to them like children that need "protecting" from themselves.
Oh no, sit down Instagram boys, I am NOT finished.
#goddess is not only used to empower women and girls, sometimes there might be nude images (but they might not be sexual, and there maybe sexual images that are not nudes) and you need to deal with that rationally and sensitively.
You can no more divide the Divinity from a woman's body that you can from the land. They are intimately connected. It is this very power that is the uneasiness you feel.
#goddess is not simply about women's bodies but something much older, much deeper.
Goddess is powerful.
She is ancient. Even if you do not reinstate the hashtag She won't be going somewhere. She is the moon, the earth, the stars. She won't be silenced any more.
Bright Blessings xxx
Do remember to BUY the book The Key Opening the Doorway to Magickal Practice and if you want your own Goddess Spirit Doll pop to the shop on Etsy Lucy Drake & Co.
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