Friday, 16 January 2015

More Adventures In Ghost Busting

More Adventures In Ghost Busting

Or Walking with Spirit.

So last night while eating dinner (literally fork in mouth) I get an emergency call from a family about a house clearance/haunting. The spirit was in the little boys room and he was too terrified to be anywhere in the house but in the kitchen (the furthest from his bed room). Now quite unusually for me my kit wasn't ready to go.
It sounded bad but it also sounded like the family knew about spirit and were quite gifted but they were scared especially the boy.
So I slapped on some make up, got my posh but more uncomfortable shoes (anything that isn't my hiking boots is uncomfortable to me) and called a taxi.
I don't know what I was expecting but "the brother" was a boy somewhere between 10 and 12. Skinny with a cast on his wrist blue grey eyes lined with red from crying. He was on the sofa chewing his thumb viciously. There were fish tanks and mirrors everywhere(aka doors for spirit of all kinds but the living room was empty and I sat down to find out what had been happening.
*Den, the older brother (tall sandy blonde, handsome but very gentle, almost feminine quality) who had called me was telling me that Chris* was going through his "awakening". A common term when it comes to those who see spirit. I took one look at their mother and could see that the gift came from her side of the family.
"Irish? Or Scottish?" I ventured
"Scottish." She looked surprised but pleased.
So I spoke with Chris who mumbled through his thumb and we climbed the stair to the loft to his bedroom. It was cold and a confusion of things and energy. I had had the impression of a woman but I could not encourage her to speak to me.
As she was talking to Chris (and he was the one afraid I cleared the space first with the singing bowl and (I got him to go into the corners I was "too big for". I also told him (and got him to repeat back to me) That no-one is allowed into your space without your permission. The spirit wasn't talking even with a pendulum. I got out my brass censer and banishing incense. We cleared the room and Chris put salt where the trouble had started.
Then as she would still only speak to the boy I got us to all hold hands around the staircase. The sister Shelly (teenage, dark hair, lots of make-up) held Chris's hand, who held mind and I held Den's. I got everyone to visualize white light flowing down their bodies and into the room.
Suddenly the room was alive with spirit and to my surprise Shelly had a mermaid (or that is how she chose to appear) as a guide. Chris was indeed awakening. He poured light into the room like Neo from Matrix 3.
We poured light into the room and the spirit seemed to be a very frightened special needs lady. Slowly coaching Chris to encourage her she went into the light. Den felt the rush and release of the spirit crossing over very strongly.
I then (getting Den to carry my case around, went room to room smudging and cleansing. I closed an energy weirdness/could have been a doorway in the Veil above Shelly's bed with my wand and some simple closing sigils and she was pleased that it now felt "just like a wall".
I chatted cheerfully as we moved down through the house noticing guides and so on. The mother's (and step father's?) room was clear but I still smudged it and kept going.
I got to the living room and did a bit of a ready for the mother and Shelly, got my minimal fee and got a taxi home.
All in all a very good busting.

Bright Blessings xxx

*not real names

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