My other life.
I have only dreamed in shades of grey a few times in my life. The rest of the time I get super bright HD more real than life dreams.
After time and practice as a kid I could leave my body and "fly" since I was about eight years old, the same with lucid dreaming.
I can tell the difference between those dreams and the important ones.The ones that are messages or would be visions if I was awake. I can lead whole other lives in this dream space, sometime up to six months in a night.
When the dream is pleasant and I wake it is easy, well easier to get back to this one. When the dreams are violent, dark or horrifying it can be harder to shake those off.
Writing them down helps.
Writing down the people and the significant images helps too.
Last night I was at a museum event. I remember studying an ancient jaw bone and discussing with a lecturer from this event (he was younger than me and that fact bothered me) about bone cells.
I discussed with him how TK was doing his degree (something that might have happened this year but for...issues) then I went home and I was in the mountains, really high up. Higher than the cloud, looking down onto the backs of eagles.
You see I know something that people don't want to admit to be true. That dreams are just as "real" as our waking life. That they are different and have different rules but they are real because they happen. Not all of them will be astral (Veil) journeys or warnings, or visions of what could or has been. Yet they are real because they happen, even if they only happen inside us that is how our whole lives happen really. Inside our brains. Learning this and working with your dreams shifts many things.
It does make me get a little irked when someone does the old "it was just a dream" chestnut.
From my dream I can tell I have let go of all tensions and fears (the jawbone) that those teaching me might be younger than me and I have to know that age is a number.
From my "home" atop a mountain, my safety, my spirit meeting the heavens, my goal reached I will and can see beyond the confusion and cloud. Eagles, hawks and the like are birds of spirit, messengers of the divine, crows always harry the hawk, the hawk just fly's higher.
I felt a sense of peace and safety. Contentment and relief.
I don't know if this helps anyone else understand dreams differently. Helps them explore their dreams while awake to find healing and wholeness.
BrightBlessings xxx
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