Saturday, 23 April 2016

Ouija Boards

Ouija Boards

"I messed around with a Ouija board and weird/bad/scary thing happened and...."

Talking or Spirit boards

Talking or spirit boards have been around in some form for many years but the recognisable board first became popular with mediums and seances in the late 1800's. As a medium I have never needed to use a Ouija board, however I can see it's benefits over something like a pendulum or tarot cards for poorer or amateur mediums. It is simple to use for clients who might find other kinds of divination or just "raw" spirit talk too much.

The thing is in skilled hands it is a reasonable safe tool, especially if wrapped in cloth or placed in a box after use. The thing is because it seems easy to use it is often the first thing teens use or are drawn to. Teens have a lot of psychic energy, especially teenage girls. They tend to sit with candles, often somewhere "spooky". This thrilling and fear energy is what they are asking for, it is what they radiate. They have no clear idea of someone to speak to or how to protect themselves with spirit guides or guardians. They just tear a whole through the Veil and call something or someone through.

When something starts to happen (as it usually does) they usually freak out and just leg it. Leaving a tear in the Veil and the board somewhere. I have seen attachments by spirit being (they look like ticks or cockroaches to me) some thirty years after messing around with a Ouija board. Closing a tear is more difficult to do but can be done.

Fear, anxiety, ignorance and stupidity do not make a safe spell or ritual environment. I have closed doorways which should never have been opened. Yet I am not bitter at the board. It isn't it's fault. 

Things like smudging the board with sage or frankincense, writing a blessing on the back, working in a properly cast circle and asking protection from (an angel, spirit guide or God/dess) and closing down the board safely will help.

It takes years of training to work with spirit safely and competently, and even then scary or unpleasant things can still happen. Spirit is. It is both glorious white light and all the icky sludge of everything that ever existed.   

Ouija boards are a tool.

If you don't know what you are doing you probably shouldn't use it.

If you do use it, don't do so high or drunk.

If you are high or drunk and something upsetting happens don't just run.

If you do freak out, don't just leave the board.

If you do just leave the board ask a professional medium for help.

If you don't ask a local professional for help and it gets bad, don't come crying to me!

Bright Blessings xxx

Don't forget you can buy my book The Key here and visit our shop here.

1 comment:

  1. and of course, if you're scared of them, then you can pretty much expect scary to happen.
    sometimes I think the wealth of superstition and anxiety around them has created a bigger problem than it reacted to.
    in most cases I think all results come from the ideometer effect. just like dowsing rods or a pendulum, your body and other sitters bodys, make tiny unconscious movements. in most cases I think no spirit is even involved, just peoples bodies either accessing their intuitive knowledge, or creating the results they expected to see (in most cases, scary ones)
    if a spirit is communicating, it's because it's connected and is communicating to a sitter. not to the board itself. that person is, without knowing, spelling out the message they receive, but not as explicitly as a medium would. the message reaches their unconscious. the body does the rest.

    with less fear in dealing with the board, less people would have frightening experiences with it.
