Monday, 15 August 2016

Faeries of Challenges and Deception

Faeries of Challenges and Deception

I am using The Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth and The Heart of Faerie Oracle by Wendy and Brian Froud.

The Challenge - The Heart of Faerie Oracle

Fae (or fey) are challenging. They push us, block us, sometimes even trip us up. I am sure* they have their reasons and the best** of intentions, but sometimes just sometimes it also sucks.
The thing about challenges is it not often is the thing that is an issue. Most often how we deal with it. Do we laugh, do we cry, to we scream? When a hurdle is placed in our way do you jump over it? Do you wait politely for it to be moved? Do you kick it over? Do you walk around it?
Life can be full of problems, or it can be full of puzzles to solve, opportunities to take, and adventures.
They say

"This is a test. How are you going to get through it."

Challenges will be all around you. Some small but maybe something big. Something sudden and unexpected will leap out at you and make you stumble or even stop you in your tracks.
You could let it ruin your day, or your week. You could take a break and reassess where you are going and what you are doing. You could laugh at it all. Or you could keep going.
The test isn't about the challenge it is about how you react.

The Pook - The Faeries Oracle

Well the Pook has lead me on a merry dance already today. First it didn't want to be photographed this morning (it kept coming out blurry). Then it saved to some random deep dark corner instead of my faery picture file. But what do you expect, it's the Pook.
Pook likes to bemuse, befuddle and bedazzle us+ and while they are (gender neutral) are deceptive the truth is, most often we like to be deceived. 
The Pook is a paradox of all things good and bad in fae. In a weird sort of way they are excellent teachers.
Pook says

"Is that what is really going on?"

If the Pook is asking then the answer is, probably not. Someone is deceiving you. It might even be yourself. Human beings are amazing at re-writing things to suit themselves, it's a gift, but illusion and disillusion are not the same as a positive out look. The Pook is so hard to pin down. There is truth in lies, good in the bad. Sometimes we need to get out of our perspective and see things differently.

*I am as sure as I am about anything faery related
** Best for whom does spring to mind
+At least me, probably some of you lot too

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