Thursday, 27 February 2014

Lessons from the Apple Tree.

So before I checked out my Kickstarter this morning I found a little thing on facebook about tree lessons for the day, mine was Apple. It was all about gratitude and blessings. I did a little prayer to myself and smiled. Then this happened........"
So it is finally here!!!
My Kickstarter got approval and funding is already coming in. This so wonderful! So amazing. Thank you all so much for giving me time,love and support all these years. I couldn't be where I am without the kickass-superhero-wizard/witch-moster friends I have.
I don't have a large enough font to scream thank you. Just know I am doing so."


Now it is a little...rustic and my prizes are not heavy on stuff. I can not afford to buy or make a ton of stuff, otherwise I wouldn't need the Kickstarter!!! My wonderful editor Emily will no doubt want to tinker with it, as will my tech friend/director David, but it is up and running!

I have so many wonderful people to thank already. Okay so lets start. In no particular order, Ken, Shai, Angie, Emily, Emily R, David, Rosie, Gav, Coen, Ginger, Lynne, Steve, Amy, Anne-Marie, Suzi...and a whole host of others I have probably forgotten.
Some of you have been there for me online. Some in person. Some on Skype or the phone. I want to thank you all for the support,friendship and for believing in me and what I do!

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