Monday, 21 September 2015

Dancing on The Knife

Dancing on The Knife


Both a time of year and a God in his own right (a Welsh God) Mabon is a complex weave of myth and magick.
Traditionally the Autumn Equinox is a blend of cool mists and rain mixed with late flowers, and harvests. Frost creeps over spiderwebs first thing in the morning but the days can feel like summer in the sun, even as the leaves change from deep dark greens to scarlet, orange, yellow or brown. 
The light and dark are in balance.
Mabon, the God, is the sacred child of the Great Mother, Modron.
Mabon brings change and walks between worlds bringing light and darkness depending on when and what is needed. This "Other-worldly" travel speaks of the idea that he was the first (or the first kind) of druidic/shamanic class and could represent "awakened masculine consciousness". Often brought into the world he is needed in by an animal, (a blackbird, an owl, a stag, an eagle or a salmon) Mabon is both "good life" (fruitful harvest, plenty and prosperity) and "good death" (peaceful transition, life well lived, death at the right time).
He is both wise and sagely but powerful too. He fearlessly faces his transitions from light to dark, from life to death and all the dreaming between. He dances joyfully along the knife edge of the year knowing that the darkness is that of seeds in good earth, sleep in night, death and re-birth. Mabon's wisdom is that of accepting constant change, working with the ebb and flow of the seasons (your own and of the world around you), to listen to the animals for their wisdom is deep.
There is a thin line between dancing and dreaming.
I shall feast today. I will hold circle. Sing and dance. Not as a performance but an expression at the peace I feel within myself.

Bright Blessings xxx

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