Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Never Stop Learning

Never Stop Learning

As a home educator, and as a witch and spiritual person learning and growing is very core and important to me.
Today I learn two new things. Chameleons give birth to live and tiny young. When I shared this with my beautiful daughter she informed me that anaconda also gave birth to live young. 
As a teacher I feel as though to stop growing is to begin to die. I am not bothered by death in particular, all part of the same circle really but I do have so much more I wish to know and experience.
The more I learn the more questions I have and the questions are often more satisfying than answers.
I am gifted by a sense of the profound wonder at the world and universe. From reading a poem I had never read before to see a tree twist and writhe as though dancing, to watching a chameleon give birth.
This makes me different than most people I meet. Most who have had their curiosity and wonder cut into little square pieces by school, parent or even by the world of work.
Sometimes this part is eked out in hobbies.
Spiritually when we lose our sense of wonder and thirst for knowing part of is dying. Yet as with all death it need only be winter and if we allow the light of knowledge into our whole beings spring will always follow. 
This thirst for knowledge tempers my faith and enriches it. My faith is not blind. It is based on years and years of research and enlightened spiritual experiences.

I ask over and over again to my students (and myself) what did that teach me?
What have I learned?
What new thing do I know today that I did not know yesterday?

Today I learned that world was more interesting and beautiful than I knew (chameleons give birth).
I learned that you have to throw away stock after 24 hours in restaurants and kitchens now (chatting with an ex-chef).

These questions are beautiful and important. I keep growing reaching down into myself and out into the stars.

  I try to inspire others to find their wonder, their inner quest for the world.

Bright Blessings xxx

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