Saturday, 24 October 2015

Where are my Deities?

Where are my Deities?

I overheard this question to another teacher and it was funny (because she misread it as dentures) and was sad because it implies this person is behaving like a child up late at night waiting for Father Christmas (Santa Claus) demanding presents.

Every time I have had a connection to the Deity level of energy, the frequency if you like, I notice many things. One there is a LOT of energy and power there. Secondly they are often shouting and trying to communicate to those who don't bother to listen.

It sort of reminds me of that old joke where the Jewish guy praying and praying to win the lottery and eventually God manifest and yells "Buy a damn ticket!"

Our Gods must be met half way. You must allow that energy into your life. You have to open up (something we in the West are pretty bad at) and allow something much much bigger than the self into your whole being.
It takes time and practice, faith and trust. They are also under no obligation to be as you wish them to be. You can not decide to make something sweet, cooler, or more "acceptable". Deities can be wrathful, as well as tender. They might not think you are doing enough. They might not like how you are doing it. Or with whom.
It is inside ourselves, in the quiet where we open up and listen. To listen we must stop talking, even within our minds. After that it is sincerity and time.

"For behold! I have been with you since the beginning and I am that which is attained at the end of all desire. And to know me is to cease looking. For if you never find me within, you will never find me without."

It can be as simple as accepting the good you are given. Letting go of the fear and anxiety. Accepting the opportunities even if it doesn't look perfect. You have to do half the work!
If I ask for something or think about it too strongly (whatever that may be) it manifest. I have to be careful, mindful with myself and others.
I work on accepting things for myself, as well as for others. To be worthy of the Divine within and around me.
It is not a perfect process, but when I let that energy into my life wonderful things happen.

Bright Blessings xxx

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