Saturday, 21 November 2015

Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness

Between my mother's death and my sisters seemingly endless bile and hate I have been wounded and pained the last few weeks. So I didn't want to give into that feeling or anxiety (and I can't meditate all day) so I made beautiful things. From poems to charms and Yuletide tree decorations.
I have also been so blessed by strangers and friends in their kindness and generosity. 
Last night it snowed and an annoying inconvenience to most felt like a very personal blessing. 

I don't want to moralise. You should be this or that. I just know that in the darkest times if you can not find the light around you sometimes you need to create it. 
We are so powerful and such radiant being if we only choose to accept it and grow fully into ourselves.
The heart is after all a muscle that we use. If we allow joy at simple things like snow falling or a really good cup of tea other joys always follow.
I am not saying it is easy. I am not saying you must pretend that it doesn't hurt. You do not have to be perfect to do good in your life or anyone else's.
Though visiting my friend yesterday was tough on the bones I feel so lifted and inspired today.

Bright Blessings xxx

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