Magick, morality and ethics
Doing the "right" thing is tough and in the modern world of magick and life, not easy. There are all sorts of maxims and catch phases trotted out especially about magick that seem to tie people into the comfortable place of doing nothing. This nothingness also has consequence and can often be very hurtful to the people around them in need.
An example:
There is a homeless guy who you see everyday. You may or may not know their name. You don't know their story. You can pass by everyday and look away when they speak to you. (Is this harming none?). Or you can give them some change (which they might choose to spend of substances to temporarily easy the pains of living in the cold and hard) which is like doing a little healing for someone. You could go to someone "higher" than you and complain or make this person move on ( giving over this person to a Deity or spirit as they are "not your problem") empowering you to feel like you did something and that "someone more qualified" is dealing with it and you don't have to feel or see this person. You could talk to them. Listen and get to know them. (this comes with many risks including getting hurt). You could take them food (removing the choice of how they spend money). You could help them into a shelter, over even take them into your own home, and care for them.
Do these sound unrealistic? Far fetched? Who would take in a homeless person? Well my friend and teacher did just that. He first took hi to a shelter. On their recommendation he went to see a doctor and found out he way dying. My friend then took him in and nursed him until he passed. THAT is kindness on another level. One I aspire to. I have feed people who were hungry (for lots of reasons), taken a few into my home when they were homeless or in danger. Healed people when I was in pain. Listened when I needed to speak or scream. Put my hands on someone in a kind healing way when they had not be held or touched for a long time.
Looking the other way. Making people in need "someone else's problem". Is not moral superiority, it is cowardice. I am certainly no saint. I will protect those who are vulnerable or unable to defend themselves and I have no problem kicking butt to do so. Magickally or otherwise. I don't always get it right. Sometimes I mess up, lose my temper, get things wrong but I am willing to take the flack for my mistakes. I would always rather that than live with the "what if's" the "I wonder if I" of if I had not acted.
I care deeply and sometimes this gets me hurt. Sometimes I don't see the big picture until afterwards. Yet I do the best with what I have at my disposal at the time because I don't quote "and harm none" I try to live it. Harming none is almost impossible, so maybe my way is "for the greater good". Do my actions (or non-actions) leave the greater good better or worse?
If you are a vegan who is selfish and cruel to humans this does not serve the greater good.
If you are a healer who doesn't heal, this does not serve the greater good.
If you heal and help everyone but yourself, this does not serve the greater good.
If you trot out the Rede and ignore needy, this does not serve the greater good.
If you hex or curse people because you feel slighted or injured, this does not serve the greater good.
I get heartily irked by those who spout the most being the people who care and do the least. It doesn't matter to me the Path people follow because a good person is a good person. They try. They may or may not be saintly. They make mistakes (because do). Opening up your heart and being vulnerable to hurt makes us able to feel compassion, what a beautiful agony that is.
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