Saturday, 13 September 2014

Mainstream media bias

Mainstream media bias

So a few years ago I asked a question on my FaceBook wall. This question was based on my on experiences of the media in Britain's general bias against Wales, (I am from there after all) Scotland and Northern Ireland. The stories that come from these places (IF they are covered at all) in my experience were all pro-English biased. I live in England. I married here, had a child here. I like some of it more than others.

My question was roughly (it has been years). Are there riots in Wales and Scotland? They keep saying UK riots, but only talking about England! 
This was not to say I assumed there were no riots, quite the reverse. Wales in particular has a long and lustrous history of rioting. It has a large black community too, and a lot of poverty. I was just wondering if my friends in Wales could tell me what the media generally didn't (and doesn't) what was actually happening.
What I didn't expect was the wave of hate I experienced from my English" friends".
I mean seriously, I was accused of racism. Hate-crimes. Being anti-English. (Notably the main vein of this flood of bile were from well off, privileged white men, well all of them were.) Pages and pages of rage and hate.

I don't see it so it doesn't happen.

How dare I?
I was shocked. Some of these people were what I thought were decent people. People I had helped. People I have loved and supported.
Now when I tried (and then TK tried) to explain it was about media bias not anti anybody. Nobody. Listened. Certainly nobody cared.I was devastated. Truly.
I changed my FaceBook page. I removed and deleted a lot of people. I lost friends, because I saw something ugly and usually hidden. I couldn't find the words.
In the last few years I saw and noticed something else. This reaction is almost identical to what happens when a victim speaks out about her abuse. The reaction is the same. #NotAllMen; the voice of white male privilege gets challenged on it's behaviour and it lashes out and is so full of hate.

I don't see it so it doesn't happen.

Then Scotland began it's journey (some might even say fight) and the mainstream media was doing it's same old same old (as far as I can tell) but suddenly people NOTICED. Through g+ and certain facebook group were seeing what I had seen.The media bias was and is real. 
There were facts and figures that were and are being mislead. The bias was showing. Now I do not think for a second that this bias is down to individuals. Editors and presenters, directors and so on are not to blame (though complicit). The media in this country is under the direction of the Government and corporations (notable Murdock ones). Thankfully the internet came to the rescue.
More and more people are speaking out. There is still the "I don't see it so it doesn't happen" lot but the facts and feelings of real people are getting out there.
While part of me feels vindicated "I TOLD YOU SO" part of me feel deeply sad. Sad because I questioned myself, my sanity, my voice. Sad because the hate was so close that I just hid. I crawled away sobbing.
The news is supposed to be the truth, as unbiased as possible, and it is not. I am glad people are waking up, I just wish that I had not closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.  

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