Thursday, 29 May 2014

Ritual Space

Ritual Space

So, firstly I have my healing altar up a running for a few folks today. Me, TK and mini witch all put our energy and personal touches on it, and for it.

We built up the power and intention by dancing and singing, which was a lot of fun. After mini witch got tired and went to bed. TK and I stayed up playing all kinds of healing music, sometimes drumming along. Sometimes not. It felt great.
What we did was healing, and spell work, and energy work. It wasn't a ritual.
A ritual as defined by MUCH smarter people than myself is 
"A ritual is a stereotyped sequence of activities involving gestures, words, and objects, performed in a sequestered place, and designed to influence preternatural entities or forces on behalf of the actors' goals and interests. Rituals may be seasonal, hallowing a culturally defined moment of change in the climatic cycle or the inauguration of an activity such as planting, harvesting, or moving from winter to summer pasture; or they may be contingent, held in response to an individual or collective crisis. Contingent rituals may be further subdivided into life-crisis ceremonies, which are performed at birth, puberty, marriage, death, and so on, to demarcate the passage from one phase to another in the individual's life-cycle, and rituals of affliction, which are performed to placate or exorcise preternatural beings or forces believed to have afflicted villagers with illness, bad luck, gynecological troubles, severe physical injuries, and the like. Other classes of rituals include divinatory rituals; ceremonies performed by political authorities to ensure the health and fertility of human beings, animals, and crops in their territories; initiation into priesthoods devoted to certain deities, into religious associations, or into secret societies; and those accompanying the daily offering of food and libations to deities or ancestral spirits or both.*"
In other words the difference between a spell and a ritual is not who you call on, or how you call, it is the space. Not just the physical space, the place where something happens but the dilation of this place. The depth. The meaning of a kiss in a supermarket is very different to during a ritual. Again, if the ritual takes place in a mundane place, like the woods (though woods tend to be the dwelling place of "otherness") or someones living room, it's context changes vastly if it is placed within the dilated space of ritual. This otherness is defined and expected. It is the place for "otherness", it is where it is supposed to dwell. You know, instantly when you walk into a ritual space, regardless of faith you can feel it. You do not have to understand it, or know it's language but this "dream speaking" quality is somehow instinctual. The kiss, as must all symbolic acts must have a context, a background to inform us of the level of meaning. It is like the soundtrack in a film. It allows us to view simple things with the knowing and knowledge of emotion and content.
A ritual space can house the strange and bizarre comfortably, the horrifying and adoring, so long as the context is consistent it is not jarring. It is dreaming while awake, it is speaking in the symbolic, it is the place where all parts of the self that are usually hidden or buried have a voice and a place. A ritual is a process. It changes us. We always return to the normal space slightly differently than we entered. Something is eaten, digested and remains within.
That, and only that makes a good ritual. The things, the tools, the robes, do not matter if that space can not be made, maintained and then dispersed. I have been to many rituals and rites and how "good" they were had nothing to do with the physical place. You can have the perfect venue and yet it can feel like a bad rehearsal for a play. That "otherness" is missing. That lack of depth. You can be somewhere unassuming and suddenly everything is transformed by the depth, the space created. It can be truly dazzling.  
We need rituals. We need the depth and the space of the symbolic to truly speak, listen and change. It is a wholeness. Rituals heal us in ways we are barely able to yet understand. They are vital, beautiful and important.
*Victor Turner.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

In the breathing

In the breathing

Unlocking our potential


While I love my bed (I really mean it, it is awesome) getting up and breathing, meditating with someone else first thing in the morning is actually a wonderful way to start the day. D works not far from my home and now he drives he has an extra 30 to 40 minutes. It is actually wonderful to spend that time focusing first thing with a student.
Of course everyone (including the dog) are still sound asleep upstairs, so I even have some time to write alone too.
Today we started (not that D knew) to transition between Mind, and into Body.
We have been working on surrender and the breath and today we did a combination of belly dance stance, judo stretches and yogic breathing (not at the same time). He found it quite physically tough (for a healthy young guy he whines a lot!) but I think he is just unused to breathing, holding, releasing, and moving at the same time. Thankfully being a fit young man he will get used to it quickly.
We packed quite a lot into 20 minutes. He is really getting the hang of his intuition and his energy, though his thinking often gets in the way of his knowing. It is such a joy when you see someone really getting it.
Some people find this transition quite difficult because the body is something they fight against.
 "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak".
Yet the body is a joy, full of power and energy, grace and beauty.
I believe in it's power and knowledge. It is a gift to honour. 
Ritual practices channel power through our bodies it is important to respect them, love them, enjoy them. I am looking forward to watching everything blossom.
I want to make a Youtube video soon, I just had no idea promoting my book would be so hard!

Monday, 26 May 2014




So ranting isn't not good for me. I know I should just let things go and breathe and be calm. However their are quite a few things that irk me, none more than readers who talk shit. I have had the sight all my life. (This makes me special and awesome and have a hell of a time shopping or using public transport). I have had visions and knowings all of my days and learning how, and when to say and how much has been something I have had to learn. However the utter drivel that some readers feel the need to spout, shocks, enrages and makes me want to table flip.
You see, when I lay out the cards, look into the ball or stare sort of past them, I don't see unicorns, rainbows and fluff. I see lovers, liars, bosses, bitches, accidents, fights, rows, loneliness, love, babies, births, deaths, weddings, parties, large bills, victories and losses. I see life. In all it's ugly, lumpy, ordinary glorious heart-aching beauty.
Sometimes I see spiritual things, symbols of light and hope, but just as often I see being let down by contractors about the new sun-room. Because that is life, real life and that is what I see. Sometimes I can not see what people want me to see, because of the huge other things waving and glaring at me. It is an imperfect art and I never claim gospel, I have no monopoly on truth. Those that claim to or want to twist every card, every spread into some saccharin greeting card parody, miss the point. People know. People can tell. 
I have done psychic faryes and there were times as a reaction to the weird inflated glitterness of it all I wanted to put on a hessian sack. There were folks there with pictures of their own faces 15 feet tall (it makes me cringe so badly) or huge pictures of rainbow and unicorns (unless it get reinstated as currency in Scotland I doubt I will ever see a unicorn as part of a standard reading, though I did once see a rubber chicken- no I don't get it either but it made sense to the client). Some had boards of flashing L.E.D lights, and though I make a rule to charge the average in a room (or my standard fee minimum) I tend to make equal to, or more money than these people, and I believe that it is because of two reasons.
 One, I sit and ask for those who need me, not want me, to come.
 Two, I never, ever lie. I can try and make the truth as I see it as palatable as I see it but I always say what I see.
Now I have had to give money back to folks when I don't see anything or they don't like what I say "no, he isn't leaving his wife" or "sleeping with your boss is a bad idea".  
I had to leave a reading group on facebook this week because my interpretation was highjacked by a glitter spewer. It shouldn't make me mad. It just hurts. It hurts because I can see. This person was very rude and angry that I dared to say something that wasn't uber-super-neato happy. How dare I suggest that there was something lost, incomplete and painful in the cards seen? I stated it was not within my knowing from two cards and no spread, and no person to tell, the when, what and who. He went into great gushing detail about meeting a "water sign, in a car park on a sunny day, who was in need of someone to talk to but would be okay" and so on and so on... fill the void with noise. 
I don't know exactly why, (it was rude but I can get over it), this sort of thing hurts me. Hurts me in a way that makes me very angry. Maybe it is all I have seen. Maybe it is all the good I see in the real, in the ordinary, in life.
Why would someone want wash away the shading that gives depth to the world?
I don't know. I will breathe it through and relax. Fuss my stupid dog and be glad for the good I have done. 

Sunday, 25 May 2014

In Naming

In Naming.

 sick kidney ^

As of Friday this week I have finally had a diagnosis. My family (my Mum and sister were very pleased) I was whelmed?
Granted I had just waited for three hours in a hospital waiting room (that was how late my doctor was) so maybe I wasn't able to connect very much but I haven't connected much with it since either.
I do want to get my mini witch screened as we tend to have (what I know know as episodes) together. I checked her blood pressure and it is fine, but I think screening makes sense. (I recommended the same for my sister too.)
So I have IgA Nephropathy, sometimes called Bergers disease. They don't know why it happen but they can manage it, but not cure. Catching it early (hahahaha, seems like I have had this since my teens!) means I am less likely to get strokes or heart and or kidney issues as I get older (something that runs in my Dad's side of the family.) 
I have researched it a little but I just kindda feel....not bothered. I have lived with this...thing for a long time. I figured most of it out on my own. Stress is bad. Eat decent food. Avoid people with infections (especially coughs and colds) because it isn't an if, it is a when you will get much sicker for much longer than they do.
I don't feel so bad about being so very tired, or guilty about having to have naps because I physically can't stay awake. The feeling weak and feeble bit will always be annoying, but I have learnt that it passes, as all things do. I just need to stay positive. Keep doing what I am doing and not worry about it.
I have had folks get really rude about how often I am "ill" over the years. Even though most of the time I kept the mentioning it a minimum (where attention goes energy flows) which is of course hurtful, but I know they don't understand and frankly have not patience to want to. This is a fault in their compassion not my health. 
Winter and bad weather can trigger "episodes" so y'all need to buy my books so I can migrate some place warm and dry for the winter!
I won't be talking about this much again, not because I want to hide it but because it really isn't that interesting. Just know if I am slow writing blogs (or books) it might be because I can't get out of bed or focus enough to form solid thoughts! I will keep doing what I am doing to the best of my ability and love each day as the blessing it is. Oh and to all those horrible people to decided I should feel bad for being ill please go away and boil your bottoms!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

The Art of Surrender

The Art of Surrender 

This morning (as planned) my student D turned up before work to meditate. I had time to prepare my space so I would not have to bimble around half awake this morning, but I actually woke up early. Leaving all my loves upstairs I was able to have tea and affirm as well as meditate for myself completely undistracted (if you know me or my life you are aware how rare THAT happens).
When D got here we were able to sit straight away. Firstly we worked the square breath. Breathe in for three, hold for three, exhale for three, hold emptiness for three. As a new technique he did very well, though found the counting distracting, which of course is just to train the mind and body the structure of the breathe.When practiced it feels sort of like flying.
Then we spoke out our light within, our Divinity, our sacredness within and about giving ourself joyful permission to shine. he we spoke about the peace, and about accepting peace into our whole being. Then once we were within that space of peace within our minds and bodies I moved onto surrender.
To surrender your mind, thoughts, body, feelings to utter formlessness. To total softness. To a dreamless transitional space.
We shared this formlessness for a few minutes, and I focused ourselves back through our breathe. 
It was a beautiful start to the day, and although I have had to wake and try and rouse my darlings, and deal with the silly dog I know today is a good day. 

Tuesday, 20 May 2014



So my new book, my poetry book is now on Amazon and I don't feel the same elation as my pagan teaching book. I feel kind of nauseous that my pain and joys are open to the viewing public. Yet we must talk about it. So many families lose children and babies, from miscarriage, difficulties during birth and of course, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Yet we are told "babies don't just die", there is a culture of shame, guilt and blame. We are told to "try again", as though one child can replace another. Most of all we are to be silent. Don't mention it. Don't talk about. Pretend they never were, compounding our pain. 
So while it makes me feel vulnerable and uncomfortable to share these poems I know I must. I know I must speak. I know that silence can kill.
I called it Litanies of Grief and Inspiration because with death is also hope. Life does continue and you allow to be happy.
My step-brother recently took his own life, I do not doubt the loss of his nine year old son to a drunk driver had a hand in this. He was, as many of us are, offered no help, no support, no space to feel. If my words can help a family not have to live through not one tragedy but to then it is worthy.

Monday, 19 May 2014

The Flow

The Flow

The last week or so has been a combination of swimming and going with the flow. Sometimes I can make head way, and other times I just allow the current to carry me. I have had some ugly moments of grief and pain, and some acceptance of ending, loss and decay. I have seen what happens when the love and light leaves a place. How quickly a physical space rots. Bricks and mortar build a house and it can stand for hundreds of years, but when the light goes out, when the love goes, it falls so quickly.
How important our love is. How precious our light.
How easily we forget, ignore, give away, hide our light not now I see this is not only a waste of time, but a disservice to it's beauty.
I am filled with a mix of sorrow and joy, that it took such loss to see it, but that I do. That I doubted it's power, especially within my self for even a moment.

I took the time to stand on mountains and breathe the air. I took the time to make things help people and plants grow, sowed seeds, watered and, moved plants that were struggling to safer spots.
I am filled with gratitude that only death brings, for it focuses light and life more clearly than anything else.
I amazed by the outpouring of love and appreciation to my book.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Healing and being healed.

Healing and being healed.

Being a healer on and off for about 20 years I have noticed a few things. Healers are often amazing, generous, kind people. They also sometimes look for what needs healing before they see the person. They are often terrible at looking after there own needs and life. I took a great leap in accepting the healing and wisdom of others this past week.
I still have a cough/cold/thing but something in me feels different. I sleep better. I wake brighter. I am calmer.
I feel better. Sometimes when people do not appreciate what I do, or who I am, or dismiss my wisdom because I make mistakes (how do you think I got my wisdom?) I forget myself and it has been a wonder to be reminded.
I taught and was given some great lessons last night in my circle of light.
Most of which I can not put into words.

My feet are sore.
I lift my head.
I breathe in the air

Look to the skies ahead.
I move my feet
One step at a time.
Sometimes I turn to see behind.
Sometimes it rains.
The ground is hard
Or too soft, yet so so green.
Clouds pass.
Sun sets.
Moon rises.
Stars spin.
I move my feet.
Step after
After a while my mind wanders.
I see not the scant path.
I see faces in the trees.
Hear voices on the wind.
Is that music?
Then for a moment there is no mountain.
My feet don't hurt.
Something reveals it's self.
Then it is gone.
Like smoke
Or biscuits unattended.
Faint crumbs.
I lift my head
And keep walking.

Friday, 9 May 2014




Hello! Also thank you you wonderful people!
It has finally happened!
We got there! The book should be live on Amazon I am so happy! So tired! So full of gratitude. Thank you so much to all the people who loved and supported me you guys are amazing! You may or may not know the heartache and personal tragedy, the late nights, early mornings, tears and determination that has happened behind the scenes but you were all with me. 
I have to thank TK who has been an absolute star. He helped me with a final edit, and navigate Amazon, and endless cups of tea. Also my students and friends who have given me nothing but love and support.

Big love!

Creating The Key - A Magical Journey

The Key: Opening the Doorway to Magickal Practice.

"The Key is a magickal manual to unlocking your own potential. It is practical, insightful and allows the student of any level to look at their path with new eyes. There are assignments, poems, prayers, meditations of many kinds with a support and warmth that a seasoned teacher gives. Regardless of your place under the pagan umbrella there is something within this book can teach you. It treats the student holistically to allow greater balance with both ritual and non ritual magickal life."

Oh ISBN numbers are

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Death and the Maiden

Death and the Maiden.

The Wheel turns. Each festival, Sabbat is it's own unique place within the rolling of the year. Yet as I often tell my students the opposite face of the Wheel is watching, present and shows it's self. At Samhain there is a fae glimmer, a flash of future, of life and hope, and at Beltane filled with so much life, vigor, lust and aliveness there is death.
This year when the Veil was thin I lost not one but two people. To say they were in my life would be a lie. Both were from my past. Both male, both older. Though that is where the similarity ends.
The deaths were shocking (one was a particularly gruesome suicide) but after a little time to cry, let go, grieve in my own way I have found a certain peace with the dead.

It is the living that currently make my stomach twist and turn in sickening knots. The flowing stench of blame, and rage and pain that makes me pale a little. I did run away from these people for a reason. In so doing I left the good with the bad, the blameless with the guilty. I neatly have made my life as drama free as I can possibly make it. It frightens me, disgusts me. I have found some peace with the living, the joyful spark of goodness, the beauty and light in people yet I look over my shoulder and it is more than a little grim. Death brings out the best and worst in people. I want to be there to support, and yet I find myself flinching. These people hurt and betrayed me. These people abandoned me when I was in need.While I have reached differing levels of forgiveness, of letting go, some more complete than others I do not wish to jump in. If you swim with sharks and crocodiles sooner or later you will get bit.
Part of me wants to say "Screw it" and just not go, not go back. I am at peace with dead why should I put myself through pain, especially for people who had no such sentiments when I was hurting.
I can not decide what I want. Absolution, resolution, peace...something. 
I want something I haven't found a word for.

Small town politics and complicated relationships do not need more than a nudge to explode at the best of times.
I have no name there. I am sister, but not sister, friend, but not friend, family but not family. I am someone but no-one to these people. Myself was never what they wanted. It is that I want? To be myself, unwaveringly myself, apologetically myself. To be seen, to be heard. These are the ghosts that haunt me. I have to let them go to. Not run. Turn and face them. Let them go.  Does the ugly duckling return the swan? Or just it just fly? I am not a chicken, or duck, I have grown beyond the farmyard.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

I am in a field until late Monday/Tuesday and might not be functioning to Wednesday.