The Flow
The last week or so has been a combination of swimming and going with the flow. Sometimes I can make head way, and other times I just allow the current to carry me. I have had some ugly moments of grief and pain, and some acceptance of ending, loss and decay. I have seen what happens when the love and light leaves a place. How quickly a physical space rots. Bricks and mortar build a house and it can stand for hundreds of years, but when the light goes out, when the love goes, it falls so quickly.
How important our love is. How precious our light.
How easily we forget, ignore, give away, hide our light not now I see this is not only a waste of time, but a disservice to it's beauty.
I am filled with a mix of sorrow and joy, that it took such loss to see it, but that I do. That I doubted it's power, especially within my self for even a moment.
I took the time to stand on mountains and breathe the air. I took the time to make things help people and plants grow, sowed seeds, watered and, moved plants that were struggling to safer spots.
I am filled with gratitude that only death brings, for it focuses light and life more clearly than anything else.
I amazed by the outpouring of love and appreciation to my book.
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