In Naming.
As of Friday this week I have finally had a diagnosis. My family (my Mum and sister were very pleased) I was whelmed?
Granted I had just waited for three hours in a hospital waiting room (that was how late my doctor was) so maybe I wasn't able to connect very much but I haven't connected much with it since either.
I do want to get my mini witch screened as we tend to have (what I know know as episodes) together. I checked her blood pressure and it is fine, but I think screening makes sense. (I recommended the same for my sister too.)
So I have IgA Nephropathy, sometimes called Bergers disease. They don't know why it happen but they can manage it, but not cure. Catching it early (hahahaha, seems like I have had this since my teens!) means I am less likely to get strokes or heart and or kidney issues as I get older (something that runs in my Dad's side of the family.)
I have researched it a little but I just kindda feel....not bothered. I have lived with this...thing for a long time. I figured most of it out on my own. Stress is bad. Eat decent food. Avoid people with infections (especially coughs and colds) because it isn't an if, it is a when you will get much sicker for much longer than they do.
I don't feel so bad about being so very tired, or guilty about having to have naps because I physically can't stay awake. The feeling weak and feeble bit will always be annoying, but I have learnt that it passes, as all things do. I just need to stay positive. Keep doing what I am doing and not worry about it.
I have had folks get really rude about how often I am "ill" over the years. Even though most of the time I kept the mentioning it a minimum (where attention goes energy flows) which is of course hurtful, but I know they don't understand and frankly have not patience to want to. This is a fault in their compassion not my health.
Winter and bad weather can trigger "episodes" so y'all need to buy my books so I can migrate some place warm and dry for the winter!
I won't be talking about this much again, not because I want to hide it but because it really isn't that interesting. Just know if I am slow writing blogs (or books) it might be because I can't get out of bed or focus enough to form solid thoughts! I will keep doing what I am doing to the best of my ability and love each day as the blessing it is. Oh and to all those horrible people to decided I should feel bad for being ill please go away and boil your bottoms!
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