Sunday, 22 June 2014

Accidental Magick

Accidental Magick 

The Two Laws of Magick state that "like attracts like", that "you are connected by D.N.A." .
To do magick requires will, energy and focus. This doesn't mean you willingness to do the magick it means your desire for something. Our desires are not always nice, they are not always understood and they at odds with our emotions.
A good example.

I really want that job. Yet I feel unworthy, fearful, distrustful.

These two feelings are at odds with each other. The desire is not as strong as the fear. There is no belief, no light. In this space the feelings we radiate spoil the desire. We will attract magickally the thing we fear not what we want

I really want to smack that person up the side of the head. I shouldn't think nasty thoughts. I should be kinder.

In this situation the desire is stronger than the feelings of what is "appropriate". The negative desired affect (whether perceived or not) is radiated. The desire is very strong it overwhelms everything else. Magickally this is what we are pushing towards that person.

I am want success. I feel really good about myself and trust good is coming.

In this situation the desire and the feeling are in harmony.The feelings and the will are in balance and what we desire manifests easily.

This is why meditation of both thought and emotion is important. It is choosing to radiate harmoniously. All people think do this tp themselves and other. All people do this kind of magick.

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