Tuesday, 10 June 2014

The Laws of Magick

 The Laws of Magick

There are two basic magickal laws. I don't mean poems, tropes, commandments, guidelines, moral judgements I mean two truths about how magick works.

The first sounds easy. Sympathetic.
Like attracts like.
In magick we often substitute one thing for another. The symbolic for the "real". We use these symbols, ingredients, energies to align, radiate, create the outcome desired. The interesting thing is this does not only work during a spell, ritual, prayer or rite. It works all the time. Who we are, what we think, what we radiantly give to the Universe, Goddesses and Gods, comes to us. Changing our perception of this fundamental magickal law can have profound effects, changing your thoughts always does, it also shifts how you see the world. It changes the responsibility.

"Why is life so hard? Why doesn't anyone love me? Why don't I get attention?"

 Changes to...

"Why am I making this hard? Why do I not feel worthy of love? Why do I need attention from others?"

This world is beautiful, amazing and full of wonderful people and places. Are you adding to that? Are you taking? Are you accepting the GOOD that comes to you or focusing on the "bad"?

The second law, sounds difficult but is easier.
The law of Contagion.
Your blood, sweat and tears, hair, nails and even shadow contain a fragment of your whole self, your spirit, your D.N.A. This ties people together. It connects people over long distances. An intimate connection. 

The combination of both of these laws is woven into every kind of magick. A lock of hair, an image of a person, honey and herbs, a fire, some water, are all basic parts of spell craft.
This weaving of Laws doesn't only work when we say it should, or when we are paying attention. It works all the time.
Magick isn't just something that "happens" when we say it should. It is all around us all the time. So what are you thinking about? Who are you thinking about and holding onto? What accidental magick are you doing in your life? 
Find your Joy, your peace, your love for the world and those in it, be a it a dog or yourself. Think better thoughts. Not because I say so, I do but because you deserve to be happy and only you can make that happen.

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