Monday, 14 July 2014



I have had the pleasure of teaching this weekend. It has been intense and uplifting. We held circle on Saturday for the full moon and while we had to set up twice (damn you rain!) we did manage to fire roast a lovely piece of beef!
After casting the circle and calling the quarters we spent quite some time drumming and chanting and evoking the lovely luna energy into the herbs, charms, incense and objects we wanted blessing.
Then we did a gratitude chant, which was very fun and had a great energy. Then we blessed the delicious cake (lemon drizzle) and wine (this was actually strawberry infused bourbon). Then we wrapped up.
Yesterday I got round to helping N find her poise. The presence in circle, especially when you cast. We worked on how to draw up the energy from the earth, how to connect to that celestial light and focus it into casting a circle. I got her to do it three times. Each time was different, and emotional and powerful. Then I got her to release it back to where it came. Helping someone find that place of action, not reaction, that center of the storm in stillness was especially pleasing.
It is that place where you accept your power, but use it compassionately and do not abuse it. That space where anything is possible and you use your will to make it happen. Having that support to encourage the natural flow makes a big difference. The repetition helps build confidence and grows that connection to the inner and out powers. That moment when the connection is so great tears flow because of the soulful awakening taking place is a beauty to behold.
As a teacher I am always striving for those moments.
I struggle when my students "go through the motions" or tell me what they think I want to hear. I can see that humbling moment or surrender, or contact with "something bigger" hasn't happened. Yet I know all I can do is try and create moments, opportunities where that moment can happen.
I am only responsible for my choices, not theirs. I am only responsible for my path and not where others choose to walk. Sometimes I have to trust and surrender to She who knows far better than me, and knows that what will be, what could be, and what I hope for someone else, are not the same. I must not react out of fear, shame or horror because to do so is to lose that poise. Even when lies, or hidden truths of less than "highest self" conduct come to light. That center of calm and light is the core of poise. If the gentle rain cleanses them, so be it. If it is the raging storm, or the lightening strikes, it is, what will be. She is the heart, mind and soul of all nature and all magick. Those who ignore, disrespect, or misuse Her power have my heartfelt pity. She will give you the lessons you need, not only the ones you want.

Bright Blessings xx

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