Tuesday, 29 July 2014

The real world

The real world


So for someone who lives with fairies me talking about people living in the real world might seem rich, but sometimes I read the questions or posts on-line and I could weep. They take what ever TV or book franchise are spewing out about Wicca, or magick and not only swallow it wholesale but think that is what the Craft is. As though there was something wrong with THIS world. Guys (and gals) this world is so full of beauty and power and magick. Put down the YA book and go find it. The Universe is full of special and amazing things.

Look. It is okay. We have all gotten caught up in fictional characters and places. Real magick is not something that happens in far off places to gorgeous pouty people, it happens in you. You, right now have the power to change the world.

That sounds amazing. And terrifying. Yes you are responsible for you. What you do and think affects the world.

So when you ask "Am I going to have a demon baby?" I sigh very deeply. You see demons are not at all like you have lead to believe. I know that might not be what you want to hear because in truth there are weird and wonderful creatures of spirit out there. Demons are made BY PEOPLE.

Fey and faires are different. They are pan-dimensional (existing in many planes at once) not unlike the apple in flat land that Carl Sagan talks about. Dead people and spirit in general also seem to exist in different dimensional states. Being mystical doesn't mean ignoring the "real" world it means exploring it, studying it, being in it and enjoying it's wonder and beauty. I guess part of the problem is when you make magick "super"natural and not a natural obvious thing that happens every time you think and breathe it gives you a get out card for your own sucky behaviour. You are responcible for what you do, think and feel. You. You always have a choice. Step into the light of your own magickal existence and you will be amazed at not only the world but yourself. 

Bright blessings.xxx

1 comment:

  1. Funny, i was talking to a student last night who plays a LOT of video games. I had an insight - the reason video games are so popular is because people feel like they are missing something in their lives. For some, it is being able to shoot people and drive cars like homicidal maniacs without being put in jail forever. For others, and a pretty significant number, it is the ability to cast spells and do other kinds of magic. So once again, while it's great that people are seeking that out, it's not a realistic representation of what IS, because it goes straight to the flash and completely avoids the substance.
