Wednesday, 30 July 2014

My Harvest

My Harvest

So this year I have my books. My pagan teaching book The Key: Opening the Doorway to Magickal Practice and my poetry Litanies of Grief and Inspiration.
The responce to both has been amazing. Our facebook support and network group is chocked full and the feed back and reviews are amazing. There is a g+ group but it is kindda quiet!
Nikki says

"Great Book! It is very slim in tome but do not let that put you off. She has a great teaching style. I really believe If you cant explain something simply, you don't understand it well enough. It is a practical book with no fluff. If you are an absolute beginner or who lost ground / confused due to too much reading and lack of practice this is the best book to start out with. This book will keep the serious student busy for a few months and give the confidence that needed to delve deeper into magickal studies. I hope she will write more books in the future."

Well Nikki I am writing more books. Some fiction as well as the next book along about working into Witchcraft. I talk about your tools and how to use them. How to build on the meditations and work that are the core of The Key and use them in magick and rituals.How to make and blend your working salts, oils and how to organize your Book of Shadows so it works for you as well as your notebook or journal.

David Mountford says
"There's a lot in this book from exercises to guided meditations. I think for a beginner it is absolutely amazing because it really helps you get into all of the different aspects of it's subject matter easily and concisely. It begins with simple meditations which I believe have really helped me feel peaceful and get my head in the right space for the day.I have tried to read other books on this kind of subject before and found that they do little in the way of actually teach you the basics. This really does start at the beginning with basic exercises and goes from there.It's easy reading, although the structure of the book is such that you wouldn't have to read it all at once; you can read a small section and work on the practices and exercises contained within and come back to it when you're done - that's how I have approached it and it's worked great. It's not boring to read and makes you think. A lot of the things in the book don't take much time at all, small five minute meditations or journal exercises. It's a really good motivational tool that you can use while working on your spiritual practice.The back of the book says that it's for a student of any level and I can see how that would be the case. It's always good to revisit the basics once in a while and look back on what you have achieved. The book suggests you keep a journal and I've used mine to look back at the steps I've taken along this journey. I thank the author for writing such an amazing book.I definitely recommend it if you're interested in learning more about the craft or just want a book that will help you grow spiritually."

Well David, thank you. Then next book again goes deeper to increase the depth and understanding of the core Mind, Body and Spirit work already begun. It again asks you to think. Asks you to delve deeper into magick and wonder that is being alive.

Gayla Drake says 

 "The Key is a wonderfully practical book, packed with useful and important mental, spiritual and physical ways of living a life in magic. Lucy stresses that this is not a path for those unwilling to invest themselves in the dedication and hard work required, which should be a clue right there that she's the real deal. She includes some wonderful guided meditations, and a few beautiful, simple rituals that can be incorporated in to daily life, to bring magical awareness to even the most mundane work. This path isn't for everyone, but if it's for you, then Lucy's book is a perfect way to start. If you are needing a little something to kickstart you back into practice, lucy's guided meditations and tender butt-kickings are very motivational! An excellent choice for beginners and life-long seekers!"

Well Gayla as a teacher I am kindda know for my butt-kickings! Daily practice can for some seem like a chore especially when they come from a Judo-Christain background where they maybe just did "spiritual" stuff on the weekends or just Sundays. It can be hard for people to grasp that this isn't something that you "do" once a week but something you are. I don't mean you wear your robes to work or sing spells on the subway, but that the magick in you is always there and all of you is magickal.

So that is one part of my "harvest" from the years. What else? Well there is the shop, as well as my students.

We have done so much.Made so much this year and the seeds are sown for next year too.
Well you be with us? Lucy Drake&Co?
We hope you will be.
Bright Blessings

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