Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Letting Go

Letting Go

"what is the difference between letting go and losing control?"

My initial response was "not much". As a society and as a Brit we have strict cultural codes of when it is okay to lose control. "Losing control" is seen as a bad thing. This is normally because we can be wound pretty tight. When we do let rip it is because we are doing it in a socially acceptable way. Being drunk gives social permission to be playful, vocal, loud, excited, angry, sad, sexual and alive; but this level of out of control mean there is more violence, aggression, sex with partners we wouldn't normally choose, or know will cause us pain.
Oddly if we were more comfortable and taught how to let go, to choose to express and allow the natural flow of internal feelings and energy we might all be happier and healthier.
Letting go is a mosh pit, instead of a bar room brawl. It is choosing a safe place to release something (in whatever way works for you).
Sometimes I can breath through it. Sometimes I write poetry. Sometimes I do deep relaxing meditation. Sometimes I sit and have a good cry. Sometimes I listen to loud music, paint, sing, dance, write, exercise, or get out the punch pads.
In truth I don't think I am good at letting go, but it is something I know I have to work on. I
I have learned I don't always have to be "in control". That surrendering to a moment doesn't break anything. The world doesn't end if if I stop meddling with it, if I just be exactly as I am.
It is like a bottle of pop (soda) I suppose. You can open it slowly, releasing the pressure or keep shaking it until it explodes.
Letting go is a concious act. Losing control is not. It comes when something is too much. We can no longer keep our mind and feelings in order and they break the banks and flood our lives.
In Britain, but especially in England if you are cheery someone might scowl and say 
"What the hell are you grinning at."
If we get teary about something you might get asked
"Do you need to leave the room?"
We are expected not to complain when something is wrong, not to have eye contact with strangers and to quietly seethe over bad driving and spilt coffee.
So maybe I am better at letting go than I think I am culturally. I mean they still hold a grudge as a nation for a football game that happened in 1966 for fucks sake!
For many people we have lost our safe and ritual spaces to let go. To just be. There is a television always on. There is a cultural or social construct of behaviour. This is why surrendering meditation and being in wild places are so good for the soul.

"I choose to let go,
Of all the thoughts and feelings
That no longer serve my highest good.
I have faith in something
More than myself.
I trust all of myself unto
The arms of my Goddess."

Bright Blessings xxx

Remember to check out my book The Key here and my shop for you bespoke magickal needs here.

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