We are all Works in Progress
People who are not whole love all the time.
People are imperfect and in progress and love just fine.
Of course you need to remove the garbage in your heart and mind, but you can't do that fumbling around without light to see by.
That light, that hope and grace and joy are vital.
Happiness is vital to being healthy and whole.
It is not some after thought or something that happens when you have "enough".
In part it comes from letting go of misery.
It is fine to feel sad.
It is fine to feel everything, or nothing.
It should inform us.
Lead us to look.
Really look.
On tip toes right to the edge of our deepest chasms holding on to that lifeline.
That chord of breath that connects us with life and light and joy.
We need the light and air.
No matter how deep we can dive we are not those strange phantoms that dwell in the deep dark made of teeth and gossamer with their own strange alien lights.
We may bask in the light and enjoy the foam and bubbles of dancing colours.
It is not insincere to delight in the world.
To enjoy bubble baths and sunsets and furry cuddles.
It is not trite of idiotic to love life in all it's broken muddy and painful glory.
Life that has teeth and passion.
Love that has fury and depth.
The open-hearted magick of being alive, awake and knowing all the dangers and perils and still dancing.
Still breathing.
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