Bitchin' Kitchen Witchin'
So after my mega haul of rose hips around Mabon I finally got around to preparing them yesterday. So began the longest 3 hours of my life. Me and little witch top and tailed, sliced in half and scooped out the seeds of about a 5th to a quarter of them before I put them into my modern cauldron (aka the low cooker) with some rose water and a bit of sugar. TK chopped and cored a few of the wild apples we collected and it has been bubbling all yesterday evening and is till going.
I still had some raw ones but after a good chat with my soul sister (who took us out to dinner lat night) she took a bundle and told me to stew them and sieve them when cooked so I would need to spend hours doing the fiddly job.
What I had left are now bubbling away in my big pasta pot. TK has suggest we go get more as there are plenty left and it i a lovely day. I don't know if my back is up to that today but I certainly have a lot of bounty to be grateful for.
I gave a small prayer of thanks to Cerridwen this morning and I will try and figure out a way of thanking the fey for blessing us too. I might do a rite later this week.
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