It occurred to me that there must be many of us out there. The statics are there and they are shocking. The thing is though we have endured we are also vastly different. We come from all classes, all races and all incomes. Most of us knew our abusers.
My faith has been a huge part of my healing. It has blessed me in a thousand ways I can not explain I wanted to share with you some of the prayers that I have used and still use. I also want to create awareness.
If we want people not to feel ashamed then we should force silence. It doubles the wound. First the abusers hurts you and then people can not accept that something like that could happen to their brother/sister/lover/daughter/son/friend. So this silence, this burden of a story that doesn't match that of the outer world eats away at someone already hurt. Now some people (especially those who do not want to change their perception of a person) say awful things. Things that blame victims, even children that karma must have made it happen, that the victim so how choose to live through this; this is crap. Especially if it is a child who is abused. As a child you do not make choices that is for the adults around you to make. It is the abuser, not the victim who makes a choice. The Goddess wasn't testing us anymore than she was testing a cat that was tortured, or tree that someone felled. It was a human making a choice.
That doesn't mean you are not loved or worthy of love. It means someone with a sickness, and a hole in their own soul was trying to fill it with something from yours.
So if you have been hurt, however long ago I offer this pray for you and all of those men, women, mixed gender people who have been hurt.
Goddess, I open my heart to you
So I may feel your love.
That willed me into existence.
Let your light shine.
Goddess, I open my heart to you
So we can heal what has been hurt.
Let your light shine
Goddess, I open my heart to you
To show I can still be loved.
Let your light shine
Goddess, I open my heart to you
To show me I am worthy.
Let your light shine
So that I may learn to shine.
So mote it be.
ty for the beautiful kind words, and I love your poem also