Tuesday, 12 May 2015



Clairvoyance is about sight, seeing things.

This blog came about from reading other psychics experience of the world. I thought I would share my experience as best as I can. So what do I see? Well sometimes I don't see anything. Sometimes there is smoke and static. Sometimes with no effort or desire I see people (dead or otherwise) or spirits, the way you would see your life. So real and solid and in full colour they can make me jump or I can think someone is physically in a room or space with me. Sometimes there is this overlay over a place, like anime grey drawings of people, animals, or events (old hautings often look that way).
When I am speaking to a spirit some times I hear them (Clairaudience), just as if they we standing next to me and I have to translate (if they are mad or crude I tend not to just repeat everything because they are not always tactful or kind).
I do give the gist of what is being said and the exactness of phrases that are repeated. Sometimes though speaking is easy sometimes there is static and noise. Like trying to hear someone in a crowded bar. 
Mostly though I get visions, sometimes snap shots of rooms, or gifts of a person, event, or place. Sometimes it is their old life they are showing me. 

She is stood in a kitchen with blue worktops baking in a white apron with tiny red flowers on it, there is a milk bottle covered in flour on the table. The lady has blue eyes, is slim but older, 50's or 60's with thick blonde grey hair.

Sometimes the visions change quickly coming thick and fast. Sometimes they get stuck on one image, it might be I haven't said the right thing yet. Sometimes it feels like I am there. I can smell warm milk and strawberry jam.

Sometimes I get more images like films in my mind. Or words. Sometimes that is all I get. If I have an emotional client that can be hard. They are hurting and confused and the person on the otherside is showing me them happily baking and sneaking a cigarette out of a kitchen window or door that is split like a stable door. What they dead want to say and what the living want to hear are often at odds with one another.
Likewise the things important to living people are not the same as for the dead. The living want to know what do about sick relatives, or money problems, where as the dead seem to care about their gardens, pets and the making sure the people intended to get their heirlooms actually get them. 
The visions I see that are so clear tend to stay with me a long time. 
I don't just get them when I read either, which can be fun (re-read fun as traumatic and agony) especially when shopping or doing something else.
The overlay of anime whispiness in this world is replaced when I close my eyes and focus with a clear more coloured vision. My guides, pathworkings and dreams are in this technicolor plain.
Scenes from the past replay themselves, sometimes over and over. The roaring noise of a battle field can rush around me in the most tranquil places catching me by surprise. 
Then I have this thing where I feel the pain (empathic abilities) the joy, soul crushing loneliness, terror, physical pain from both the living and the dead. 
As a child my obnoxious baby sister if she would get caught and punished (I normally took the hit on that one) and she got smacked (spanked) I would wail and sob because I felt every blow. 
Over the years I have come up with strategies and wardings, protections and self healing. 
Some people think that these gifts are a miracle and maybe they are right, but they have often felt much like a curse at times too.
I have had a great many visions of deaths and murders I have done nothing about except pray. I don't want to get arrested or get attention as someone chasing that kind of fame. I see them from all over the world too. 
Sometimes I can be somewhere like a train station and get bumped by someone and the overlay flashes me a warning of MURDERER. Then I spend my journey agonizing if I should have done anything, if I could do anything about it. It is exhausting.
It is like the rest of the world has thick clothes and I am naked and barefoot. I feel everything more keenly, every gust of wind, every footstep, every touch. There is a Veil of differing thickness that most everyone else sees through that I do not. I spend I lot of time keeping everyone else out.
TK is my boon. He has this field of silence around him, I can't even see him enter a room! If I want to find him in a crowd I look for the blank spot moving! When he holds me in his arms there is just him and me. Nothing else in the whole Multiverse.

I enjoy reading for people. However I am not someone who enjoys working "Tarot Parties". What I do and see is not conducive to a party atmosphere. I was offered a well paid job working doing Hen party readings and I turned it down. I just didn't feel I could tell what I honestly, compassionately saw in that environment.
I read a lot of other readers, for a while I went around the country, skyped all over the world, saying what I saw. When I couldn't travel (when I got really sick) that part of my life faded. 

Why not buy my excellent book The Key Opening the Doorway to Magickal Practice? It is very very good! (5 star reviews from the 1st and 2nd edition). Or visit our shop Lucy Drake & Co.

Until next time
Bright Blessings xxx 


  1. Have you ever accidentally channeled? Long story short, I didn't know I was capable until it happened at an estate sale. It was quite overwhelming, I can relate to some of your experiences. :)

  2. Before I was trained it happened now and again. I would get thoughts in other languages in my head (like French). At 18 I began my serious training.
