Doorways In the Veil
There spaces and places, and of course times (times is interesting but for another time) when Veil, the misty membrane that separates a thousand different worlds becomes thin enough to see through, and beings from those place enter our physical plane more easily.
Fae, fey, and faeries are interesting because they do not only dwell on the other side of this Veil. I believe they are pan dimensional, living and being on more than one page of the book of the world. Fae, belong and live here too. Different fae, or fey, have different preferences to how they come and go, and dwell in this world. How they travel is different for them too.
I once asked my Brownie why he didn't glow and sparkle like faery pictures and his slightly grumpy reply was the he "didn't have to punch holes from one place to another". So that light, some orbs and the sparkling faery image is the light from somewhere else. He didn't sparkle because "I make my own doors".
He seemed to view the typical bewinged faery as uncivilized and crude for how they punctured the Veil.
When I pressed him, he said " Learning too much isn't learning right." Now I "think" I get the gist of what he meant, which was a combination of "Oops said too much." and "learning too much is like trying to carry too much water on a journey, you should pick up enough as you go along, a bottle at a time. Then drink it."
I could be wrong. Fae are trixy.
Doorways. Right. So some fae make doorways and others punch holes, some use old doorways.
A ritual circle is both a bubble or sphere of energy that keeps things out and a doorway to allow fae and spirits in.
Dependent on how or if you call the quarters you may already be calling or creating doorways for elemental fae through into your space. This is why I never summon, I call or evoke but I would hardly be kindly to someone who dragged me somewhere without my consent!
I am also generous in my libations and feed my house fae and visitors well.
It's a Celtic thing. When a guest leaves without eating or drinking I feel awful! Hospitality is important. I have been known to cook full meals from scratch for those who are hungry.
There are natural (and created) doorways around us all the time. Empty arches, deep pools and lakes, mirrors and I have even seen blank T.V screens used too.
Opening a doorway, or inviting a fae to use it is one thing. Yet closing a doorway is important too. That is why you release, give leave or even banish spirits from you circle before you release that too.
Deosil evokes and draw, widdershins releases and repels.
If you are making a faery door be very clear who you do and do not want coming through it. The other way would be to put a Guardian on the doorway, either to warn or repel unwanted guests.
Singing or speaking this aloud and knocking along the doorway with something wooden, or made of stone.
Wee-folk, green-folk, tree-folk true
Gyre-Carling, Great Faery Queen,
I give protection to this door to you.
Forest-folk, water-kin, hill-men sound
Himself of the many names, Lord on Hoof
I dedicate this door as holy ground.
Blue flowers and ferns or oak leaves in a bundle wrapped in blue and white ribbon should be dipped into dew, or spring water and sprinkled around the doorway three times.
Next paint or pour honey (or mead) in a circle deosil around the doorway. Shells, acorns and even bones can be hung on ribbon and hung from the up right posts. White and blue are best.
Take your wand (no metal except silver) and stand before it and starting at the top center working your way in a deosil circle three times saying or singing:
Come my friends, my guests, the door is open!
Use it wisely, use it well.
Come my friends, my good neighbours!
Use it gently, use it well.
The door is open.
The door is open.
Leave a plate at each side of the doorway with bread and something alcoholic, be it beer, wine or whiskey.
Feed them at least weekly, especially when the Veil is thin, like Beltane, Litha and the like.
Bright Blessings xxx
If you would like to open yourself to this world and work buy my book The Key Opening the Doorway to Magickal Practice.
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