Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Magickal Dogma

Magickal Dogma

"You must only do it my way."

Whether it is Redes or Runes, Witch pyramids or (Goddess save me) the Wiccan 10 commandments, dogma is not new to the Craft, and I detest it.
I think it bothers me for many reasons. I think that is why I wrote my book The Key, because my "way" is predominately concerned with people deeply, soulfully and spiritually connecting with their own magick and who they are.
The first thing that happens when people start to do most magickal systems is that they get read the Riot Act. Don't do this, don't do that; do it my way. In fact most new students get treated like crap to "test their resolve" on the path. While I do see  the validity in making sure someone who is a huge investment of time, energy and magick really want to be there, it gets rid of lots of sensitive folks who are beautiful magickal creatures but do not tolerate that energy well.
The next thing they do is bombard you with "things" you "need".  Now I like shiny things as much as the next person, but they do not make a witch. Unfortunately most folks get stuck at this stage, either because they get caught up in the theater, or drama and baubles. As someone whose greatest magciks often came from empty white feed buckets and a good stick this preoccupation this expensive and often point toys barely used makes me roll my eyes.
When I teach the first thing I do is give my student a box. I tell them to put all their "witchy" stuff into the box. After all "any fool could be a witch with a runic dagger, a real witch can use an apple corer".
What I mean is, is you do not first find the magick within you, you will never find it without. When you open that space inside yourself, open that doorway, the light from the otherside spills from you.
That is the gift I want to give people. 
My "system" focuses first on Mind. On thinking, thoughts, mindfulness. Not only in daily practice (which is so important, for so many reasons) but in clearing away the negative draining thoughts, the ones that eat away at our energy and magick. I get folks to bring magick into their thinking in their daily lives, from affirmations, meditations and the like. To allow magick INTO their lives. Magick is like blood or air, it is always present but often ignored.
I used little keys, or fragments of many kinds of meditation as building blocks what I wove around sound pagan practice. Like my water meditation.
After Mind, comes Body. Witchcraft and pagan ways are not merely based in the Mind but in the belly, the hands, the feet. They are based on doing. In loving yourself. In the dancing. I have seen folks get stuck here too. They like the "in your head magick". They will give you all kinds of reasons but mostly it comes from left over Patriarchal thinking of Mind/Spirit = good. Body = bad. However it comes, learning to do magick comfortably in your own skin and enjoy it is important. It does take time, care and of course, practice too. 
Spirit is the last part. I teach what I know of the Unseen worlds through The Veil and how gently awaken your spirit to see, feel, and connect with these forces. 
Each step is joyful. Each breath we let go of those things that trap our thoughts in worries, negativeness and external forces. Each time we drink deeply from Peace and learn to trust and Surrender to what is sacred to ourselves that Doorway Opens a little more and the whole world becomes brighter. Each guided meditation, each pathworking, we gain new insight and awareness.
When they are done, they can tread any path they like. Learn any for of Craft, follow any Path. By that time I will have stripped away enough "you should's" and "you must's" for them to laugh and do it their way.  Who knows they might even do the next book too!

Bright Blessings xxx

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