Sunday 24 November 2013

Air my Breath

Meditation is one of the Eight Fey Paths I walk and teach and is an integral part of my personal practice. I see it not as an interesting diversion from the world but core part of my faith and ability to do magick.
While we are creatures of spirit and flesh the mind and all of it's parts really should not be ignored. How we think and what we feel are linked, as too are the thoughts we think and the health of our body.
While fire mediation, water meditation, and even earth meditations can be difficult for many reason air meditation is one that students and teachers struggle with alike.
Yet the movement of air into and around our body (which part of the lungs you hold it in) has a huge effect on body and mind. 
Deep breathing, breathing into the belly has many positive benefits and can be practice at any time in any setting. Now while certain yoga practices have informed this, probably not as many as you would think. I learned to breath in two ways. One from playing the flute and the other was choral singing. Being able to draw in a deep breath and hold it deep in the body and let it out slowly clears the mind. Slows the heart rate. Releases or slows the flow of stress hormones. All this control didn't help me with Air greatest lesson, letting go. Learning to surrender to the process and relax my breath, soften into my exhalation has taken years of work and practice. Allowing the breath to carry fear and anxiety out of my body, to take tension and anger out of my belly is a gift that Air when lovingly nurtured can teach.  

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