Saturday, 16 November 2013

Walking the way, your way.

Walking the way, your way.

I have never believed that my was the only way to walk magick any more than someone else path would fit me. Yes I teach my path but I always try and get my students to think for themselves and to act for a place intuitive self awareness.
It is strange then when others find me disrespectful for following my guides, my sincere heart, my intuition. I do not expect to get it right all the time, and I might be able to learn a great deal from others who have walked similar roads. I am not totally independent and stubborn.Yet sometimes to honour my own truth I listen to my gut.
Sometimes I think this comes across as arrogant, I might be.
This is all coming from the very sad fact that someone who I admire a great deal has shown their displeasure in my reluctance to listen to their person horror stories about the publishing process. I feel a bit like a pregnant mother who doesn't want to hear the labor horror stories. I do not need to be more fearful, anxious or demoralized that what I have lovingly created might die.
Instead I did what I have done during this whole process, which is listen to my inner knowing. Trusting the guidance from fae and the Goddess and God, and believe in the visions I see and weave of myself as a successful publish pagan writer.
A year ago I might have been totally devastated, angry, hurt and full of self pity that this person felt it was okay to cut me not only from herself but from a community of fae minded people. Instead I feel quite calm and serene. My inner knowing was right all along. This person; wonderful, magickal as they are is not seeing the actions of others as the walking of their own truth, but an insult to her own.
The fact she is still living and re-living the "horror" and pain she feels the process caused her is colouring all she sees on the subject. Holding onto pain from the past, allowing it to make you angry and fearful, of not only your path but someone else doesn't bring anything but more pain. At some point we have to forgive it all. Let it go.
I made a choice not to be ruled by fear, anxiety, the never ending spiral of "what if". I made a choice to believe that the good I do and can have in my life is without limits.  If something crap happens I will deal with it then, worry it might happen robs me of my calm, my happiness now.
TK is off dealing with family matters today rather than ritual preparations for tomorrow but I know it will all figure it's self out. I will have everything I need, I always do. So I am off to make some ritual cleaning waters to wipe everything down with and do the dishes. I really hate cooking in a dirty kitchen! I am looking forward to making cawl too, but if I can not go to the butchers I love I will do a supermarket run tomorrow. No stress. The house fae will get their share of what ever we have regardless.

Tomorrow when I send out the elf light in The Veil to bring light to those lost and hurting, that magickal person will also be on the list. If you are wanting to join in it will be on the SUNDAY the 17th.
Even if you light a candle and say the poem/prayer.

Come home
Come home.
The dreams are now beginning.
Come home
Come home.
The shining snow is singing.
Ride on
Ride on
The light you seek is nearing.
Ride on
Ride on
The mists and fog are clearing.
Come now
Come now
Sit safe besides my hearth.
Rest now
Rest now.
Safe from all the dark.
Wake up
Wake up.
The doorway is near now
Wake up
Wake up
There nothing else to fear now. 



  1. I hope that she realizes that she has to overcome the pain of what she is going thru and that it drains others of positive energy just listening to the negativity. I have never published so I do not know the horror stories that has her so bitter but I have had my share of bad things and more physical and damaging than the "what they did to me" pain. I had to let go and move forward. Perhaps she will see this. Blessed Be Lucy!!

  2. I hope so. Sometimes we forget that our thoughts make our whole life. We forget that everything is magick and the darker our thoughts the darker our lives.
