The Power to Harm, the Power to Heal.
Curses, and hexes and attacks OH MY! I am no saint, I am a witch and I think a witch should know how to curse someone when it is needed. I curse generally when someone is harming an innocent, a child, and animal, someone vulnerable and in need. I do not feel bad about this.
When the guy next door threw his wife down stairs and broke her leg (I did call the police) she didn't leave and neither did he. There were 2 children in the house at the time. I cursed him. I cursed him because all mundane ways to stop him were at an end.I cursed him because nobody else gave a crap. I cursed because I grew up around that kind of violence and nobody should know what that sound is through a wall.
The curse was a weakness curse. That the more violent he was the weaker physically he would get.
All is now quiet next door. Oh I hear music sometimes but that is all...
I have had friends recommend me for my curse work. When a friend of a friend had been ordered by the court to allow her kids to have visitation across state lines to a "man" who had put her in hospital three times. Now I could have used a protection spell. However that would not GET TO THE CAUSE. It only treats the symptom. I called on the Dark Mother. I cursed him to be seen as he really is and punished. Well he got loaded, got into a bar fight and ended up in jail (where he belongs.) Kids safe, Mom safe. Ta da!
People curse themselves and others all the time. If you haven't a good word to say about someone and you send "healing" at them that is either going to just plain fail, or turn into what you really mean...which is probably really mean.
A well written curse makes the world a better place. Keeps the little chicks safe. Brings back the balance of power. It isn't about "getting even" or "showing off". When you did the super positive spell to get that job or meet that special someone, someone else lost out. That doesn't mean you can not use magick to make your life better. You should use all the energy, talents attention and joy to enjoy your life and not feel guilty about that. With power does come responsibility. With strength and compassion comes balance.
In terms of healing to harm ratio I am about 10 to 1. For every ten healing, positive, fertility, abundance work I do; I do one f*$k off, shut up, go crawl under a rock.
In truth I have been slow lately and I haven't done left hand work because I haven't needed to.
Oh and while I am at it a hex isn't always a curse it is a type of drawing/symbol spellwork which as always is neutral. They are often used to protect buildings and barns.
Personally, I see curses as a way of getting back at those who have done wrong, but I do not force my opinions and beliefs on others and I can see in your case it was for a good cause. When people wrong the innocent or harm others for no good reason, I use a simple, effective curse of Morrigan, as I am simply doing the will of the goddess and if they truly haven'y oppressed anyone who doesn't deserve it, then no harm will be done. Good job Lucy.