On a planet that sings...
there are a relativity intelligent species descended from a long line of social hominid apes. These creatures are very diverse in culture and social groupings, skin pigmentation and other factors. They are sexual reproducers, who use sex in a variety of social ways.
They experience gender on a broad spectrum from a to b with a great many varying degrees of sexual and gender preference and traits. However for at least it's recent history the a.a end of the spectrum has been deemed "better" and have been the dominate force in most (though not all) in much of their memory, especially written myths, legends and history passed down. However with it being in the interest of some of the a.a group to erase, ignore, revile and demonize anything believed to be different than being a.
This does not mean that the rest of those being on the spectrum are not interesting, important or inventive. Some of the greatest of the whole species have not be true a in gender, or sexual preference. However there are either not recorded, not passed on in written histories or accounts, works not displayed in galleries, have their memorial defaced for be somewhere other than a..
This bias does many things. It occasionally breaks out in to violence. Sometimes in the extreme. Being b; or not being as a as the cultures demands (demands vary greatly in different cultures and socio-economic areas) is an huge pressure and can explode in violence against other a.a's (fighting for dominance of non-a deemed people) or more commonly directed towards those deemed less, weaker or closer to b on the spectrum.
Interestingly non-a social hominid apes, though different are not weaker, per say. Some b S.H.A's are stronger, smarter and more talented than some defined as a.a S.H.As.
Biologically it is the b S.H.A. that gestate and rear the young. If a b S.H.A. raises a child alone it is often pitied, reviled, and can sometimes be at the mercy of extreme violence towards the off spring it's self, sometimes leading to death of the b. Sexual consent and autonomy of their own bodies is occasionally allowed so long as this does not offend a powerful or successful a.a. individual.
The conditions and rights for those deemed non-a differ enormously all over the planet. In some places non-a S.H.A's can vote, marry, hold office or power; though these rights are hard won with many victims and martyrs along the way. Some a.a refuse to educate non-a's at all. They tend to breed and isolate b S.H.A's before full sexual and mental maturity has developed. Though this has no benefit to the offspring or the b S.H.A. The perceived power over the b S.H.A. elevates the standing with other a.a.'s.
In places where non-a S.H.A. give permission for more equality (until an a.a. pulls rank, either through privilege and or threat of violence) the fight for rights continues slowly. It would be heartening to say that their right to vote, marry and love who they wished had happen purely down to their own efforts, but this is not the case. There were two huge wars fought roughly 100 solar rotations ago and then again about 70. While non-a's were involved, fought and so on, predominantly it was those were regarded as a's who fought and killed each other in enormous numbers. this lead to the break down of many traditional a.a social and economic roles. This allowed non-a's to work, gain education, and be seen as capable and useful members of society.
After these wars governing bodies did what they could to re-assert the roles and lack of right but non-a's fought and little by little they gained some rights and freedoms. This has lead to backlashes by those who are (or even those who wish to be) a.a.
Non-a's currently do not have the same rights and proclivities as those deemed a, or a.a. As a planet there is no equality, in fact speaking about this privileged position can still cause threats and insight murder. Many a's can see how rejection of a large percentage of the S.H.A. population is unfair (apes having keen empathy and understanding of such things). Some use this position to further the cause of those not born a's. They can see how the spectrum gives diversity and doesn't make their place on it less. They support and admire their b or non-a off spring. They have friends and bosses that are non-a and do not find this threatening or upsetting. They love these non-a S.H.A. and give them autonomy over their bodies and rights. Sadly this makes them targets for some a S.H.A's.
These are strange and wonderful creatures, who are inhabiting this blue planet that sings.
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