Thursday, 9 October 2014

The Hunters Journey

The Hunters Journey


Last nights ritual was a good one. One I definitely feel I will repeat with no loss to those participating.
In preparedness I made a venison meatball stew (this was because I thought the reasonably local Scottish venison was preferable to New Zeland venison). We all had a small amount before the ritual to "keep us going". I also got a dried oak leaf each and people either brought or found rocks and placed them on the altar. I also put ox-tail ( a piece each ) on a plate on the altar.
The incense was filling the space. Then I got everyone to slowly drum. Quite suddenly I picked up the red cloth used to cover the coven sword and wore this red veil. 
I then cast the circle and called the corners in the usual way. I then evoked the Triple Goddess into the women of the the circle. Then we called the Hunter.
Then everyone got into a meditation or journeying position. We started at a hearth of a round house as the sun was setting. Then as twilight moved over us we went out into the purple meadow. There night fell. Then the full moon rose and the White Hart came to us and bid us follow. Deep into the woods. Each person went deep into the woods following their own path. Meeting their own guides. Deeper and deeper. Some meet the Stag, some did not. All gained and lost something. Until it was time to come back to the meadow, then back to the hearth; and then to the circle.
Then we did a chant and drummed for a while. Then each of us in turn gave offering of meat and bone, forest and stone into my big black cauldron. Then we went outside with the cauldron and lit the fire and placed the offerings (wrapped in paper) on top. The flames were beautiful and though the moon had not come round to that side of the house yet we all felt something was listening as we repeated the chant.

We went to the other side of the house and TK took some photo's of the moon.
Then we ate the stew again, with reverence and new meaning.
The cake and cup were then blessed (again I wore the red veil) and the cake was consumed (bar offerings). The women then drummed and played. It felt good and hearty. Everything flowed.
Then we released the circle in the usual way. It was not long before I went to bed feeling better than I had done in days. 
I feel that though this ritual was placed perfectly in the wheel of the year, I also feel that it could be part of a three day journeying cycle, started with the Lord Arrawn, then the White Stage and then meeting his Lady.
Much was learned through journeying about the self and the inner worlds. I missed BG because I knew that he would have gained some much from this circle and I would have enjoyed watching him soar.
Bright blessings xxx


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