Saturday, 11 April 2015

Accepting the Good

Accepting The Good

So my little blog about self acceptance kind of trigger a load of awesome weirdness. Firstly I was worried would people would be rude or dismissive or even angry I dared accept my amazing-ness. The complete reverse and all the pouring out of positive has been wonderful and overwhelming. 
Yesterday I had a STAGGERING number of people read my blog. Not just the one I wrote yesterday but really old ones too. It was nuts! That hundreds of people were reading my words was...well amazing.
More good news this morning. I was on GoodReads forum (bibliophile) reviewing the last two books I read (The Red Tent and Shaman's Crossing) and I searched for my book and THEY WERE THERE! Granted they were not reviewed and it is only the first edition but I was so pleased!
Speaking of I noticed I often (back in the day) write poetry onto the blog and didn't write it up or keep it anywhere else, I should collect those together sometime soon!

The number of you guys reading this from all over the world touches me greatly. I can't wait to meet you. To maybe teach you. To share my words and ideas with you. I didn't realize how proud I was of this second edition until I got an underwhelming or flat response and I was so... no, it is so good, so much better than the first edition, it has new stuff and diagrams and this... It really does do all it says it will, if you do it!

You can heal, you can forgive, you can learn and grow. Even if you think it is not possible, it is. 
You can.
Some folks have told me that I survived all my pain and sorrow by being strong.
I shake my head, no, I am strong because I survived. That some part of my heart or soul wanted to live, really live through sheer stubbornness and sometimes out of spite of those who kept pushing me down.
Maybe some of that is also down to my work ethic, "sorry I can't die/cry/shrivel I'm far too busy".

I can't remember who it was who told me (I always had an eye) to find something beautiful every day
At the time I was sick, miserable and struggling. It helped me a lot. It stuck with me. A sunrise (even from a cold bus) a flower just perfect, what ever it was it made me look for the beautiful. It is in the searching we find ourselves.
It was my times of agony and abandonment I found out myself, I was mine. In owning myself and accepting me, and stopping trying to be like anyone else I created a path of knowing and love that sustained me in even in the deepest darkness.

So if you are hurting, broken, thinking it will never happen for you, right now you are in the fire. A forge that while is unmaking you, is creating the new you. Let go of the impurities given to you by life and family and where you are from. Let go of it all. Be a mess for a while. Don't hold it together. 
Let go. Find out who want to be. Embrace your amazing. Embrace your skills and qualities. Hold onto your good and let go of everything else.

This might upset people. People only like us when we are _____ are not worth having around.
Also people change and grow. People who want you to stay the same will change on you and you will have lost for no reason.

You are amazing. If you don't see it, keep searching. Look for the beautiful. The beautiful is as often found in the imperfect and the perfect. Keep searching. You will find.
It won't be what I found, but then it could never be the same. We all dance differently.

Bright Blessings xxx

If you want to know about what and how I teach my book The Key Opening the Doorway to Magickal Practice. My Etsy shop LucyDrakeandCo is here and I can make bespoke items for you.

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