Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Magick with Crystals

Magick with Crystals

From protective grids, patterns or placements around your home, garden, temple or workstation many people, pagan and not work with stones and crystals to work their magick.
Yet of course context is everything. Spell charging, regular working and cleansing as well as use in rituals can amplify your crystal work hugely.
A good example of this would be the mix or reading and healing I did yesterday. (I tend to do readings with my "working box" or crystals and two crystal spheres, one obsidian and one clear quartz). 
Obsidian is great for scrying but it is also amazing at drawing to the surface the hidden things. The things we hide, even from ourselves most of the time.When my friends reading showed a huge difference to the inner and outer world (one still much in the sway of her divorce last year) I knew I could help her.
After an initial sweep with my large quartz wands to open everything up I worked with spirit (hers and my guides) and cleared away deep and old hurts and barbs. After gently brushing away (and seeing it was a big job I suggested I go gently as there was a lot, but she wanted it gone.This is courage. This is braver than most. 
I got her to hold the obsidian over her heart and guided by Spirit we opened it all up. There were many tears. All the feelings of failure and disappointment, of soul deep sorrow for the choices and path she couldn't help someone she love for 14 years to change. I sang into her bones, into her spirit moving the energy, pitch and tone to shake lose the knives still lift in her back, the marks from "gut punches" and the bindings around her body and spirit and mind.The crystals allowed me to move energy better and created movement that radiated or drew out from deep, deep inside. Spirit and crystals work well together, which would be odd if I had thought about it when I started over 20 years ago, but just is now. Her guides and mine washed her whole being in cleansing light.  
The wisdom given to her (through me) was that simple.
If a plant out grows a pot, who is to blame, the plant or the pot?
The answer is nether are to blame. All things change and grow, and to all things there are a season.
Little by little, tear by tear and fear by fear we drew much out.
Then I used some rhodochrosite and place the obsidian on some salt to cleanse and heal it's self (it was very very hot) over her heart.
Layer as layer we added kind words into the spaces where cruel and hurtful words had left deep scars.   

I placed her energy bubble back around herself with my wands and we were done.
I am a writer, a teacher and a witch. I was a healer before I was any of those, and seeing all of the crap wash away was humbling and uplifting and makes me want to heal more frequently.

I have exciting developments with my workshops for my book The Key  and lots of new goodies to go up onto the shop!

Bright Blessings xxx

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