Sunday 12 April 2015

For Free

For Free

As an artist, a writer and a teacher and witch, you would be suprised how often people want to take from me, for free. 

"You will get good press." says someone.
"You make it out of natural stuff any way!" Says another.
"You might be a fraud/pervert/weirdo." Says another. 

Yeah, my degree cost me nothing but fresh air, and my tools, and time, oh I kind of need to eat and pay for my broadband...

"Uh, money for magick is wrong and dirty..."
But poverty is fine?

Is my work beautiful? Artful, full of magick and wisdom and light? 
Then I deserve to be paid for it. As it stands it is far cheaper than some, and if I factored in my hours of work (at say the minimum wage) you would not be able to afford it.

You want what I have, then be fair. Be polite. If you have to save up, ask me to reserve something, I will. 
If you want to do a course or workshop and money is an issue, send me a message and we can try and work something out.

I value what I do.You seem to too but being able to have a living wage is important to me.

So buy my books, (good luck asking Amazon to give it to you for free), buy my incense and wands, my charms and TK's runes. Please note that my Goddesses cost what £8.50 and I have seen similar items on sale for £60. 

My blog is free. It gives me space for my writer's voice, allows me to speak to folks all over the world. Keeps the juices flowing, acts like a journal.

If I can help someone, someone in dire need I will. A healing charm, or I'll write a ritual or the like. You are not going to die from lack of runes. Or incense. 
No I don't do free samples. Everything is handmade, mostly to order. I use the best I can because I feel that values my Craft and the forces I work with while I make.

When I visit my friend who makes soap and perfume and moisturizer (Oh it is Divine) I pay for it, happily, because I am showing her I value what she does. If on occasion I am a guinea pig for new stuff, I'm fine with that (mostly) I would never expect her as a small business to give me free things. 
I know the smaller the business the higher the cost on everything. It might be free for me, but it still cost her a lot to make.

So no, no you can't have what I do for for free. 
No I don't care if you don't like it.

Bright Blessings xxx

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