Saturday, 19 October 2013

Anger is pain

Anger is Pain:
Bullying a symptom of fear.

I woke up in a reasonably good mood today, but exactly like last month post full moon bleed is making me sensitive and a bit...stabby?
I do get that rude and obnoxious people like to bully people because it makes them feel powerful but it makes me angry, which is just pain in another form. I understand mentally the problem is all theirs but it hurts. Emotionally it feels like a kind of rape. (No I do not use this word lightly). That is what rape is after all: the need to impose yourself on another and to take something from that person to make them hurt and frightened and feel less. People make the mistake that rape is about sex. It isn't. It is about power. To prove that they are strong they need to make someone else feel weak. This of course only proves they are weak, needy and not feeling their own worth. Any arrogance or swagger comes from their mask needing to hide all or any seeming vulnerability, because they are frightened. They know that they are hollow. While rape is the most extreme form of this, bullying whether physical or cyber is on the same spectrum.
This is why bullies like it when their victims hurt themselves. Psychologically they are erasing their "weakness" or their version of the person for themselves.
Men typically raping a girl or woman is about them repressing their own anima; their own internal innate femininity that they fear is a weakness or takes away from their sense of masculinity. 
Bullies do a similar thing in attacking what they hate about themselves, whether it is their anima (or animus); someones creativity, sensitivity, strength, weakness. What ever it is this person represses or has been taught is a weakness rather than a strength, it is part of the bully. If the bully was ridiculed about wanted to be creative, (or saw other they deemed "strong" attacking creativity) these are the people they will attack, often with the criticisms they were attacked with. If they feel this difference, the more they are aware that they have this capacity within them too more violently they will attack those they perceive have this trait.
There is a current trend to attack and bully those with belief. I wonder if it stems from that moment which their belief in something beyond themselves was shatter. You can not measure everything but you can measure it's effects.You do not have to believe in anything but going out of your way to bully those who might be vulnerable or seeking comfort in faith is cruel, and will not remove the inner child sobbing at the loss of wonder from the world. Demonizing those of faith or assuming they are stupid might make you feel powerful but the truth is that most of the world has some faith in something outside of themselves. God, Goddesses, ancestors, spirits, angels, jinn, faeries or just a sense that there might be...something. In a recent poll conclude that 77% have some kind of faith, in something.(link to article below).
Okay I am feel a lot less stabby now, and a lot less hurt. In truth though until culturally we address vulnerability as strength, accept the yin and yang of people all people bullying and rape will not go away.
So I pray that the Goddess of blood and darkness will soothe and heal them, or protect their victims.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow. This has so much congruity with what I have felt dealing with certain situations in my life. You are so on target with this. This is one of the most important things going on now, and we who are conscious have the times on our side; there are forces supporting us. We only have to feel it, know it, and live it. Those who harm the sacred, who mock, will not be able to flourish. We can at least know and prove this as individuals; and I believe the more we do so, the more others will benefit. This is what I believe, anyway!
