Thursday, 3 October 2013

So I wanted to share a poem about loving, gentle darkness. Not evil darkness or scarey darkness but how I feel about this wonderful balance against light.

Loving Night.

Oh loving night
Hold me in your embrace.
Comfort and hold
With your faceless grace.
Touch deep my heart
Let me dare to dream
Wipe away my tears
Silence all my screams.

It washes over me.
Kissing the night
For an eternity.

Now this wasn't the whole poem but I can not remember the last verse or find the particular note book with it in. Now the wheel turned. It dark. It is cold and all of a sudden people are being mean, less generous in spirit and well grumpy. Now I know that with people adjusting back to school life this can make folks tired and cranky or in our households case has every bug, flu and virus going around.
I know that I am only going to heal and be immune to the next batch, but this has been an interesting week! Big thanks to TK and my little witch for taking care of me, even when it got really gross.
It is dark, that doesn't mean mean, or cruel or scary it means dreams and healing, hope and inspiration.
"Darkness" has it's own power and balance and it not evil. If you are frightened of the dark it is not the not the darkness outside of you, but the one within, rattling it's chains. Your fear and anxiety, your desires or hurtful impulses.
I have looked into my darkness, I even lived there for a while. It has it's place of power but there must be balance. Having faced my own darkness I am no longer afraid. There must be thoughts without fear, and pain and anxiety, because all thoughts are magick, and life is full of beauty and majesty and pie.

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