Friday, 11 October 2013

How to Write Spells and Rituals

How to write a spell.

So you need three things for a spell.

1) Power. Some kind of energy either your own or that from a natural source, a place, a plant, a Deity. 

2) Connection to what you want. An image, a figure, a symbol. If it is a person then you might consider the Law of Contagion and use either something with the persons DNA or their shadow or foot print.

3) The ability to see the out come in your mind, but NOT be focused on HOW it happens. Let it go.

Notice the large amount of stuff you do not need. Everything else is part of the creative process. Charms, balms and so on are great because they work and keep working long after you make them. You want to write a rhyme (helps with power and connection), go for it. You want to dance it. Give it some welly!
No spell in any book is going to be better than one YOU make happen. Your intention, your emotion keeps the magick flowing.
Don't have all the fancy herbs (hedgerows people -also some parks)
then USE what you have.

How to write a ritual.

First up. Know who is going to be there and work WITH those people rather than with so Hollywood ideal of "witchyness".
If you know someone is always going to be late (y'all know who you are) when make sure your ritual has a slow build up and tell them it is an hour earlier than it is likely to start. The friend who forgot to eat/skipped dinner? Have food there they can dip in and out of. Can't remember long speeches, make them scrolls (or let them make their own).
Prepare. Not for the ritual, you have been planning it a while, but for things like pee/smoke breaks, water in the circle for folks to drink, damp tea towel for fire related incidents. These people are giving their time and energy to do ritual with you, respect that.
On the flip side if someone writes the ritual, prepares the space, hosts and so on, bring food/wine and respect the effort they put in.
A good ritual has a slow build, then a leveling out,then another build, a big one. Then their must be a stillness. Then a slow build again and then a winding down and releasing. 
A lot of people are frightened of quiet in a ritual, don't be it is a wonder. Likewise some people find it hard to let rip and enjoy themselves, or be too noisy.

Work with your space. If it is tiny big spiral dances do not work. If it is massive or outside, remember that you need to be louder, the fire needs to be big and the candles need to be sheltered. Incense also needs to be scaled up. Music also needs to be louder in a large space. Also if people are reading either from a book or scroll is there enough light to do so? Will the ground be sutable for bare feet, or are boots required? Will people need extra jumpers under thier robes? Or water-proofs? (Can't ya tell I live in UK!)
If you are not making your own music make a playlist and get it set up way before the ritual, do not be the guy fiddling with a 1970's tape deck apologizing that it "normally works well".

So now the meat in the pie.
Know the space and the people. Plan around those. Do not make it a spiraling headlong rush to the finish, take your time, and have quieter as well as louder parts written in. It doesn't have to be really wordy, and try to distribute the contributions evenly.  Cleanse your space and the people who will be in it. Build your altar (and use a table, nobody want to stand on someones wand when they are dancing).
Dedicate the space. State your intention/s. Build the power.
While a High Priest/ess might be collecting/directing things it is not a one person show (unless it is) and everyone should feel they have something to do, say and were part of it. If you are partaking in substances (this includes wine/alcohol) push for it to be nearer the end of the ritual or at least have one straight/sober person their, preferably someone capable of handling themselves or other people if a problem arises.
Make it fun, it doesn't have to be a comedy, but treat your ritual as a watercolour painting. The sketch is their but the light and colours present effect how it will be so do leave space for something magickal to happen. Relax. Do not worry if someone stumbles over words, or misses steps, carry on and let that go, even if it is you.
Keep your symbols simple. Do not mush a lot of different things together that do not come from the same space, time, pantheon and expect it to work. Do not evoke anything you do not know well, and even if you do, again do not mix and match on the day/evening. 
BE POLITE. I really mean it. If you invite something into the ritual, welcome them. If they help you, say thank you. Honestly these are not forces to take the piss with, so be sincere, and mean all your "Hail"s and "thank you"s. Make sure you release them and preferably feed them too. Be generous in your libations. 
One that note. Be sincere. If it is a rite to heal someone and you loathe them, just don't bother. Really.Your negative feelings (and anyone else's in the ritual for that matter) will leak. If you do not want this person helped or healed the Old Ones will know. Either change how you feel, or rework the ritual for another focus. 
Release the power to where it is going. Say thank you, yes, again.
Clean up. This should be done by everyone, and I do mean everyone.
You can have a post-ritual chill, a cup of tea and a natter. Maybe write things up in your BoS or your journal. No matter how "high" you feel do not go out dancing. Stay and ground. Going out when you are open like that is not healthy for you, you pick up all kinds of ick. 
There ya go. Never buy a spell book again.   

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