Thursday, 1 January 2015

The wisdom of the Womb

The wisdom of the Womb

Womb Prayer

I am at the centre of your creation
I am at the depth of your breath
I am change and acceptance
I am wise and ancient
I am the cup of imagination
I am the dreams of what will be
I am the gateway to joy
I am your womb and I am holy
I am womb sit and listen
I am yours surrender to wisdom
I am yours let go of your fear
I am yours let of your shame
I am yours embrace my healing
I am yours let go of your pain

Much of the time in the West, even today the womb is only honoured when carrying a child. Everything else tied up with her deep and knowing cycles are about conception or contraception. Yet a woman will have nearly 360 cycles in her life time and most of those (luckily) she will not have a child. Is the rest of this process just a waste, a punishment, a shameful dirty break?
No. Nothing in nature is wasteful.
Menses is a holy time, but the womb is always speaking. This lump of muscle, both tough and flexible carries our creative energies. When you breath deeply (belly breath) it moves. Just as when you sing or dance, or have sex it moves too. While the ova have their own tune, the womb is the one that speaks in blood.
Yet this blood is healthy. Normal. Good. Not bleeding often indicates poor health of either the body or mind. It is not a curse, but a blessing. It is time of dreams and awakenings.
Belly dancing (moving your hips in circles or arches), learning to focus your breath, energy and focus to this place removes much of the pain of this process. The more you fight yourself, the more pain and difficulties tend to happen. The mind, after all is the pivot of this cycle. Your mind (anterior pituitary gland) is where the regulation of this cycle happens. Stress, distress and fear have a large part to play in many of the disorders of the womb and hormone system. That is not to say it is "imaginary" or "all in your head". The womb knowledge and understanding of P.M.S is still largely based on the fact that women have a hormone cycle that does not agree with the social system it is currently living. While medical science knows something happens at this time, in large the way they treat it is much like they used to treat hysteria. 
I am of the opinion it is because women who are often brought up to be "feminine" (polite, kind, compassionate, selfless) have no energy left to pretend at this time. They give and give and smile and smile, and then they wake without the energy to pretend. They weep. They snap. They yell. Yet this doesn't "come out of nowhere". It comes from all the thing she swept under the rug because she was too busy, too nice, too careful to say. Suddenly the real fears, and rages and deep emotions explodes (when you pressurize emotions it usually pops), often not at the people or situations that made you upset, fearful or mad, but at your partners, your children and friends. The less a woman is heard, the less they talk through, let go of or vent about how they feel inside, the busier they are, the more extreme the P.M.S. 
You may not even be carrying those feelings in your heart, but that project you wanted to do, those dreams you push down, those heartaches and heart breaks, that loneliness, those betrayals, they sit in your womb until it can no longer hold them.
If you keep hold of them while you bleed, if you fight to keep going as though everything is "normal" and okay, it hurts. This vulnerability, this real-ness, as well as the pain makes women run from this time.
Once you let go. Once you understand that if you are crying their is a deep reason that you are being told of, and you listen things change. It become a time of healing. A time of knowing and surrender. Of cleansing and gratitude.

Bright Blessings xxx 

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