Monday 5 January 2015




I love books. I love to read them, I love to keep notebooks and journals. Yet as with my mind they tend to be disorganised. THE SCOND EDITION of the KEY will be out later this month. I am super excited about it. I am also a bit sad. I wanted my students art work to be in this book but after very little communication and missing her deadline by over 6 weeks I had to do the right thing and "let go of the ideas and people who make my life harder not better".
Still after some simple artwork of my own is now in the editing/making it digital stage I am waiting for TK to be awke enough to do the job. More waiting. In an attempt not to lose my mind I decided to dedicate a new note book to incense (and steams and herbal blends) so they are all in one notebook not three...
I am dyslexic and have a hard time remembering anything if I don't write it down (something about my short term memory being rubbish) so I have many note books so I can grab one and write it when it comes.
Also my dog is in season. So she keeps nudging me when she is butt muching...not helping Lady, trying to mak it look smart!
Any way more tea and watching the small birds in my garden while making notes should make me calm right?
There is something magickal about putting pen to paper. To make a mark.

Bright Blessings xxx

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