Crystal Healing
Amethyst has been used to heal for a very long time. As with all crystals (especially quartz based ones) it can be programmed. For me these two big hunks of solid sobriety (amethyst was worn and even used to make cups to prevent drunkenness) both recharge the crystals I have been wearing in the day, cleanse them and radiate a peaceful vibration while I sleep.
It is a good healing stone as it calms the troubled mind and heart, soothing both. It helps promote all clairvoyant gifts and psychic abilities while drawing your spiritually towards your higher "god/goddess" self.
It (like quartz) can draw away energy, or redirect it, like quartz. It helps lessen pain of all kinds and cleanses all the energetic and and physical systems of the body.
This makes it great at helping to allow the body to heal it's self, from headaches and insomnia to congestion of the lungs, skin or digestive system. It makes great elixirs and oils because it is none toxic and a great cleanser.
While a gentle wash with hand warm water and soap can clean you crystal well and it can even handle salt water, amethyst doesn't like direct light and will fade quickly on a window sill or if you wear it every day.
While gently re-energizing (like a good rest or meditation) I have never know it to be over powering.
Natural points make fantastic healing wands as they transmute your energy into something more gentle and easily accepted by person, animal or plant being healed.
As it is a type of quartz it has many of the same amazing features, especially in points.
Record Keepers.
A record keeper is a quartz (or amethyst point) with tiny regular pyramids or triangles naturally occurring along the point. Opening great spiritual knowledge and truth from within and from without they are a catalyst of great change.Etched.
A natural point that appears to have cuneiform like lettering along it's surface. Said to only truly belong to one person, and a past life healer par excellance.
Scepter quartz
These large phallic crystals are great at treating...fertility problems, balancing "male" and "female" energies as well as being a powerful healing force, especially for healers themselves.
Soul mate Tantric Twin
Two crystal points have grown so closely together they are now one crystal with two points. Drawing not only sexual but soul partnerships into the life of the person working with and connecting to and strengthening and healing all kinds of relationships.
If you want more of an over view you can read my earlier blog.
There is so much more to say, but I have to stop somewhere and here seems right. When working with crystals please do try and get ones from ethical sources that have not been blasted out or other equally horrifying practices.
Bright Blessings xxx
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