Monday, 30 March 2015

With Teeth

With Teeth
All Hail the Baba Yaga, the Crone, the faery God/dess Mother,The Bone Mother, The Great Queen who may eat you, yet saves you. She is not the Milk Teeth mother. She is not only soft in word and deed and touch. No her rules are tough because the dangers are everywhere, and they are real.
There are two kinds of animal that are the most dangerous in the wild, especially predators with eyes that mirror our own. They are adolescent males and females with young.

While this fierce quality is frowned on, pushed out of "mother"and "mothering" She is there and She has teeth.
"How can Baba Yaga be a mother AND be fierce, pushing and even destroying, destroying with light and fire?" The historians and academic wail!
Mother is warm milk and endless affection, except when we venture into the world it is leaving the cubs to eat for ones self. It is in teaching to hunt, to climb, to run, to eat, and when to back down.
What is poison, what is medicine, how much is too much? What is good dirt? What good grain?
Oh what is good life? What is good death?
The devil, they say is in the details, and She is all in the details.
How can She be good She destroys people? Yes but not you, your enemies, funny how they often dress as "family".Were She a friendly wizard, or charming knight we would applaud yet She give you the skull on the stick and says, turn your sight on the dark, negative hurtful parts and turn them into muck for the flowers to grow. The trees are hungry, and restless after all.

How can She be fierce and good? How can She be ugly and good? How can She destroy and be good?
Once She was one. Once she was soft in the belly, full in the lip and only her back showed she was also death, dying, knowledge. Then a male didn't like the way She looked at him, through the Wolf's eyelash and cut her in two. (She was right to be wary after all). Suddenly Mother was just milk, no blood and being wild off She danced into the dark to haunt his nightmares. Yet every woman remembers. Every woman remembers when she bleeds.

If we are lucky, if we seek Her out and find Her, She is the best teacher, the best friend, the best knowing, the best ally.
Only She can give you the medicine to make you complete and whole, and I know She will have you learn how to make your own, for it is the best. While She is flying and Her house is dancing on birds feet. How many ancient Goddess had bird's feet? Oh so many!
Medicine is often as bitter, sour and smells bad, but it does you good. It is not it's job to "taste" nice.

So take the medicine. Better yet find your own. Be fierce and wild, be ugly if you must.
For a long time ago I wandered in the Dark and found Her waiting for me under the trees.

Bright Blessings xxx

1 comment:

  1. Very beautiful. Poetic and thought provoking at the same time.The dark Goddesses get a bad rap, and are misunderstood. I prefer their no-nonsense tough-love approach; I find a good butt kicking is the best way to help me grow and learn.
