The Closet.
The odd thing about being in a closet and I am with Hannah Hart on this one, that everyone has closets. They can be broom closets. They can be almost anything. Maybe you are the Don't Ask/Don't Tell kind of closeted.
A lot of my students have for their jobs (from teachers, nurses, working with the police) kept their faith and practice on the down low, or even totally locked down. Primarily having been abused by neighbors, work situations and even people I thought were friends for my beliefs, I slid back into the Don't Ask/Don't Tell place. I never judged my students and friends because I know that being out and proud is wonderful until your boss makes up an excuse to get you fired.
I find it weirder when folks are still in the closet to their family because that must so exhausting, but I have never had the "conversation" with my family as I couldn't give a fig what they do or don't think of me. The pivotal moment for me was when I chose to go to the Pagan Pride march with a then closeted (now ex-student). It wasn't my city but their were faces I knew.
That traffic stopping march was mind blowing and if I am going to get abused, have difficulty working at jobs because of discrimination and be subject to hate;
I am done apologizing for being myself.
I understand that sometimes we want the quiet life. The easy life. If we don't fight the ignorance today my daughter will face the same crap I have. She has the right to do her thing if she is not hurting anyone else. If we don't stand up for ourselves, if we don't stand up for each other we are so much easier to hurt, discriminate against and bully.
If we stand together. If we can fill our lungs and shout WE ARE PAGAN. WE ARE PROUD. Then we can do anything.
I went from talking about it with people who know me, to making video's on Youtube!
I have been disowned by my family. Trust me it was painful but it was by and far the best thing that ever happened to me and had nothing to do with being bi-sexual or a witch.
If your family don't love and support who you really are, is that really a family?
Right now I won't tell you who you must be, or for whom. You do what you have to do. Yet know that you have rights, you have a system that will back you up and you will never change anyone's mind, but you might make a big difference in the life of someone you know. Some who is closeted and in agony with not being allowed to be themselves.
I can not imagine not being allowed to read certain books, watch certain TV shows because some tells me I can't. I can not imagine not being able to wear what I want, say what I want to say or to whom.
I am free. Utterly.
Are you?
Bright Blessings xxx
Yess!! Love this!!