Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Magickal and Ritual Context

Magickal and Ritual Context

"So if magick happens everywhere, even when you are not paying attention why is ritual important, why bother at all?"
So in other blogs I talk about the Laws of Magick and Accidental Magick, about how what you think, what you feel and do radiate all the time. Then recently I spoke about Ritual and what it is.

So if everything is magick why do you need to "do" anything? Well it's some people's belief they don't. I am not one of those people.
Ritual is a deliberate, physical, mental, and spiritual process that by it's nature is outside of the conventions, rules and even logic of the none ritual world. You create a space (which is important and defined, and often sacred) in which dreaming, symbols and symbolic become the dominant way of thinking.
This often changes the context of every day items, from stars to cups or wands. This is the ritual context. What you think, say and do is important where every you are but against this backdrop your actions are magnified, your process and energy dilated. A spot light shines on you and your shadow seems larger, and your flaws melt away in the glare.
So meditation in this context is "waking in the dreaming" or "dreaming in the dream".  Dancing, eating, singing all become symbolic acts.
What you wear. How you wear it. How you decorate your space and body all become even more important. Ritual is a transformative process much like dreaming.
This is why some rituals seem so structured and solid, it is to allow the participants to know exactly what is going to happen so they can relax into the mindset, much like a tai chi pattern or a dance. Once you know the steps you can stop thinking about it and relax into and be in the flow beneath.
Rituals like dreaming are important because they mend the body, spirit and mind. They can even mend the group as well as the individual. This balance of "play" as well of "doing" is not just healthy for a person but allows groups to play out other ideas and structures and and release them without harming the group.
As a teacher I am always drawing back to a few simple/difficult questions.
What did it teach you?
What did that mean to you?
How would this change in a ritual context?
This is not because I am "mean" and like to trick anyone, but because looking at what things teach you, what meaning you give and how in a dreamscape, The Veil, Anwen, the same idea, movement or thing changes, morphs and reveals it's self is a magickal awakening.

Bright Blessings xxx

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